Unit evaluation

Unit Evaluation Project

The University uses a system known as Blue (Bristol Live Unit Evaluation) to operate mid-unit feedback and end of unit evaluation for most units. Blue is flexible and intuitive for both students and staff to use and allows surveys with a mix of set and customisable questions. Blue facilitates Unit Directors to view feedback on a unit and provide a response to students. Blue also provides aggregate reports at the programme, department, school, and faculty level to those staff with education quality enhancement roles. Guidance on how to use Blue is available on BEAM, general guidance on unit evaluation is available on the ESE SharePoint.

Units that do not run according to the University’s standard teaching blocks (e.g. only run over 2 weeks), or over the summer vacation are not currently able to use Blue, this page gives guidance on the other tools available.

Group of people having a discussionFor University policy and guidance on unit surveys see Academic Quality and Policy Office Unit evaluation.

A number of other digital tools can be used to carry out mid or end of unit surveys.

Blackboard Surveys

Hands typing on a keyboardBlackboard surveys are anonymous and are completed in the relevant Blackboard course. They can be run witihin a seminar or lecture or made available for a certain period and completed in students' own time. Surveys are best completed using a laptop or desktop computer (not the Blackboard app), so if planning to use them in a face-to-face session please ensure students are advised to bring a laptop. Results can be viewed in Blackboard or exported.

Blackboard templates available for download:

Guide to using Blackboard surveys for unit evaluation (PDF).

Mid Unit surveys available for download:


End of Unit surveys available for download:

You can view the questions on pages 6-12 of Annex A of the Unit Evaluation Policy which is found on the AQPO Unit Evaluation page .

Point Solutions/TurningPoint

Person sat at desk with laptop holding a phone

TurningPoint (now known as PointSolutions) allows students to respond to questions either by using a clicker keypad, or their mobile device. Surveys are run in a face-to-face session, and results can be seen immediately. These results can be shared with students if required, or downloaded for analysis later. TurningPoint requires a licence to run a polling session. If you are interested in acquiring a licence please contact digital-education@bristol.ac.uk

TurningPoint/Point Solutions powerpoint templates available for download:

Guide to using PointSolutions for unit evaluation (PDF).

Mid Unit surveys available for download:


End of Unit surveys available for download:

You can view the questions on pages 6-12 of Annex A of the Unit Evaluation Policy which is found on the AQPO Unit Evaluation page .


Mentimeter is another online polling software available at the University. It’s great for quick online polling, with students adding their responses through their mobile devices. This could be a useful tool for formative unit evaluation.

Blackboard Surveys, Turning Point, and Mentimeter are all supported by the Digital Education Office.

Other available tools

Yellow post it notes stuck up on wall


There are other available tools that can be used for unit surveys. The links provided give information on these.

  • Microsoft Forms - part of the University-supported Office 365 suite. The "Office 365 tips" group on Yammer is a learning and support community of practice for users of Microsoft Office 365 tools, and a good place to ask questions about using Forms.
  • Online surveys (formerly BOS, now run by JISC). You will need an Online Surveys licence to use this. Check if your School or Department already has one. Contact for queries