Chemistry league tables

UK league tables

The Guardian University Guide 2023
1 University of St Andrews
2 The University of Edinburgh
3 University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
5 Northumbria University
6 University of Lincoln
7 Durham University
8 Imperial College London
9 University of Glasgow
10 University of Bristol
11 University of Hull
12 Loughborough University
13 Lancaster University
The University of Warwick
15 University of Greenwich
16 University of Strathclyde
17 The University of York
18 University of Birmingham
19 University of Southampton
20 University of South Wales
21 University of Aberdeen
22 University of Central Lancashire
23 University of Bath
University of Leicester
25 Aston University
26 The University of Leeds
27 University of Brighton
28 Heriot-Watt University
29 University of Huddersfield
30 Keele University
31 Swansea University
32 University of East Anglia
33 The University of Liverpool
34 University of Plymouth
35 Liverpool John Moores University
36 University College London
37 University of Sheffield
38 Queen's University Belfast
39 Newcastle University
40 Queen Mary University of London
41 Manchester Metropolitan University
42 The University of Manchester
43 Kingston University
44 University of Salford
45 University of Kent
46 University of Surrey
47 Sheffield Hallam University
48 University of Sussex
49 University of Bradford
50 The University of Nottingham
51 University of Reading
52 Nottingham Trent University
53  King's College London
54  Cardiff University
55  De Montfort University

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The Complete University Guide 2023
1 University of Cambridge
2 University of Oxford
3 The University of Edinburgh
4 University of St Andrews
5 Durham University
6 Imperial College London
7 The University of York
8 University College London
9 The University of Warwick
10 University of Bath
11 University of Bristol
12 University of Liverpool
13 Queen's University Belfast
14 The University of Manchester
15 University of Birmingham
16 University of Southampton
17 University of Strathclyde
18 Queen Mary University of London
19 University of Surrey
20 University of Sheffield
21 Lancaster University
22 Swansea University
23 The University of Nottingham
24 King's College London
25 University of Glasgow
26 University of Brighton
27 University of Hull
28 University of Leeds
29 Cardiff University
30 University of Leicester
31 University of Lincoln
32 Loughborough University
33 University of East Anglia
34 Newcastle University
35 University of Aberdeen
36 Keele University
37 University of Plymouth
38 Heriot-Watt University
39 Northumbria University
40 Aston University
41 Manchester Metropolitan University
42 University of Sussex
43 Nottingham Trent University
44 University of Greenwich
45 University of Reading
46 University of South Wales
47 University of Kent
48 University of Huddersfield
49 Sheffield Hallam University
50 Kingston University
51 De Montfort University
52 University of Central Lancashire
53 University of Bradford
54 University of Salford
55 University of East London
56 University of Wolverhampton
57 London Metropolitan University
58 University of the West of Scotland

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The Times Good University Guide 2023
1 University of Cambridge
2 University of St Andrews
3 Imperial College London
4 University of Oxford
5 University of Edinburgh
6 University of Strathclyde
7 The University of York
8 The University of Warwick
9 University of Aberdeen
10 Durham University
Northumbria University
12 University of Bath
13 University of Bristol
14 University College London
15 University of Southampton
16 University of Birmingham
17 University of Surrey
18 University of Sheffield
19 The University of Liverpool
20 University of Lincoln
21 Swansea University
22 The University of Manchester
23 The University of Nottingham
University of East Anglia
25 Newcastle University
26 University of Glasgow
University of Brighton
28 Lancaster University
29 Queen's University Belfast
30 Queen Mary University of London
University of Hull
32 The University of Leeds
33 King's College London
University of Plymouth
35 Cardiff University
36 Loughborough University
University of Leicester
University of Greenwich
39 Keele University
40 University of the West of Scotland
41 Heriot-Watt University
42 University of Central Lancashire
43 Aston University
44 University of Reading
45 Manchester Metropolitan University
46 Nottingham Trent University
47 University of Kent
48 University of Huddersfield
49 University of Sussex
University of Salford
51 Sheffield Hallam University
52 Kingston University
53 University of Bradford
54 De Montfort University

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Research Excellence Framework 2021
1 University of Bristol
2 University of Cambridge
3 University College London
4 Imperial College London
5 King's College London
6 University of Oxford
7 University of Liverpool
University of Manchester
9 University of York
10 University of Edinburgh
University of St Andrews†
12 University of Bath
13 University of Warwick
14 Queen Mary University of London
15 Newcastle University
University of Sheffield
University of Southampton
18 Cardiff University
University of Nottingham
20 University of Strathclyde
21 Durham University
22 University of Leicester
23 University of East Anglia
University of Glasgow
25 University of Birmingham
26 University of Leeds
27 Queen's University Belfast
28 University of Aberdeen
University of Sussex
30 Swansea University
31 University of Kent
32 University of Hull
University of Lincoln
34 University of Reading
35 Loughborough University
36 Lancaster University
37 Heriot-Watt University
38 University of Greenwich
39 University of Bradford
40 University of Huddersfield
41 University of Chester
 Joint submission

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QS World University Chemistry Rankings 2022
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
2 Harvard University
3 Stanford University
4 University of Cambridge
5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
6 University of Oxford
7 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU)
8 National University of Singapore (NUS)
9 EPF Lausanne
10 California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
 ETH Zurich
12 Peking University
13 Imperial College London
25 The University of Manchester
32 University College London
71 University of Bristol
72 The University of Edinburgh
87 Kings' College London
94 University of Bath
University of Glasgow
97 University of Nottingham
 Includes results from top 100 world-ranked Chemistry departments,  non-UK universities ranked 14-100 omitted.

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Academic Ranking of World Universities in Chemistry 2021
1 University of California, Berkeley
2 Stanford University
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
4 Northwestern University
5 Harvard University
6 California Institute of Technology
7 University of Chicago
8 University of Science and Technology of China
9 University of Cambridge
10 ETH Zurich
19 University of Oxford
43 Imperial College London
51-75 University of Manchester
76-100 University College London
101-150 University of Bristol
University of Warwick
Also know as the 'Shanghai Rankings'. Includes results from top 150 world-ranked Chemistry departments, non-UK universities ranked 11-150 omitted.

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