BSc Chemistry

Online prospectus Programme catalogue

Course overview

Full details of the structure of the course and units are available in the programme catalogue

First Year Building Blocks of Chemistry Practical Chemistry Quantitative Chemistry Choose one of:
  • Life Chemistry: Life Through the Chemical Lens
  • Materials Chemistry: The Materials World
and one of:
  • Life Chemistry: Life Through the Chemical Lens
  • Big Ideas in Science
  • Core Physics I: Mechanics and Matter
  • Stars and Planets
  • Science of Happiness
  • Introductory Scientific Computing
  • A Modern Language
Second Year Core Concepts in Chemistry

Choose either:

  • Practical and Anayltical Chemistry


  • Practical and Anayltical Chemistry for Chemistry with Computing
Choose two of:
  • Biological Life Chemistry
  • Environmental Life Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry: Materials for Energy
  • Chemical Models and Prediction
  • Scientific Computing
Third Year The Art of Chemistry Chemistry Project Data and Literature Skills Choose one of:
  • Computational & Interdisciplinary Chemistry
  • Biological Life Chemistry
  • Environmental Life Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry: Material Interfaces
  • Chemical Models and Prediction
  • Applications of Computing in Chemistry
  • Data Science for Scientific Computing

Our curriculum is under constant review and development. The above structure may change and the latest information can be found in our programme catalogue.

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Sample timetable

The following sample timetable is typical for a first year student taking Life Chemistry and Materials Chemistry as options. 

9.00 - 10.00 Chemistry tutorial  Materials Chemistry workshop Quantitative Chemistry surgery   Chemistry lecture
10.00 - 11.00 Mathematics lecture   Chemistry lecture Life Chemistry Lecture  
11.00 - 12.00       Quantitative Chemistry problem class
12.00 - 13.00   Chemistry lecture Mathematics lecture Chemistry laboratory
13.00 - 14.00     Wednesday afternoons are kept free for extra-curricular activities including sports  
14.00 - 15.00   Life Chemistry tutorial
15.00 - 16.00    
16.00 - 17.00

Please note that this timetable is shown for illustration only and will differ for an individual student.  The number and nature of classes delivered are subject to change as our curriculum is developed.

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Transfer possibilities

 Year 1Year 2Year 3
Chemistry MSci      
Chemistry with Study Abroad in a Modern Language MSci    
Chemistry with Industrial Experience MSci    
Chemistry with Study Abroad MSci      
Chemistry with Scientific Computing BSc    
Chemistry with Scientific Computing MSci    
StraightforwardPossible under certain circumstancesNot possible

Please note the following

  • Transfer to Chemistry MSci in the first year is subject to students meeting the entrance requirements for the course.
  • Transfer to Chemistry with Study Abroad in a Modern Language MSci in the first year is only possible for students who meet the entrance requirements for the course and are taking an appropriate language unit.
  • Transfer to Chemistry with Industrial Experience MSci in the first year is subject to students meeting the entrance requirements for the course.
  • Transfer to Chemistry with Industrial Experience MSci in the second year is only possible for students who have passed all of their first-year courses at the first attempt and have a combined average for their Chemistry courses of at least 60%, and becomes increasingly difficult as places on the course are filled.
  • Transfer to Chemistry with Study Abroad is only possible during the first two weeks of the second year for students who have passed all of their first-year courses at the first attempt and have a combined average for their Chemistry courses of at least 60%.  Restrictions on places available can mean that transfer to Chemistry with Study Abroad is not be possible under any circumstances.
  • Transfer to either of the Chemistry with Scientific Computing courses is subject to meeting the entry requirements for the course and is only possible for students taking Introductory Scientific Computing as a first-year option.

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