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Bristol Aerosol Research Centre contributes to final paper of PERFORM project

22 August 2024

Bristol Aerosol Research Centre have collaborated on a recent publication entitled 'Relationship between Exhaled Aerosol and Carbon Dioxide Emission Across Respiratory Activities'.

The paper reports on concomitant measurements of exhaled carbon dioxide volume and minute ventilation, along with exhaled respiratory particles during breathing, exercising, speaking, and singing.

This represents the final paper arising from the PERFORM project, which measured the amount of respiratory aerosol individuals exhale when breathing, exercising, speaking, singing, playing musical instruments and participating in speech and language therapy.

These measurements informed public policy during the COVID-19 pandemic and provided new insights into the particles that can carry infectious pathogens. 

Further information

Moseley B, Archer J, Orton CM, Symons HE, Watson NA, Saccente-Kennedy B, Philip KEJ, Hull JH, Costello D, Calder JD, Shah PL, Bzdek BR, Reid JP. 2019 Relationship between Exhaled Aerosol and Carbon Dioxide Emission Across Respiratory Activities - Environmental Science & Technology 2024.

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