Seedcorn Fund projects 2017-2018

These are the successful Seedcorn Fund funded projects in 2017-2018:

The impact of climate variability on city-level mortality

Investigators: Dann Mitchell (Geographical Sciences), Paul Valdes (Geographical Sciences), Richard Morris (School of Social and Community Medicine), Alice Venn (Faculty of Social Sciences and Law)

Multi-tier microgrid demonstrator and workshop

Sam Williamson (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electrical Energy Management Group), Caroline Bird (School for Policy Studies), Chris Preist (Department of Computer Science), Daniel Bentham (EDF – R&D Smart Customers), Merlin Hyman (Regen)

Why micro-hydro fails: Investigation into poor performance of micro-hydro power plants in Nepal

Sam Williamson (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electrical Energy Management Group), Biraj Gautam (PEEDA), Anh Tran (Humanitarian Engineering, Coventry University)


A feasibility study to explore the links between poverty, flood risk and access to insurance

Paul Bates (Hydrology Group, Geographical Sciences), Jamie Evans (Personal Finance Research Centre, Geographical Sciences), David Manley (Spatial Modelling Group, Geographical Sciences)

Good things come in small packages - the potential for goats to replace cattle in developing regions, enhancing sustainable food security

Michael Lee (School of Veterinary Sciences), Judith Capper (Livestock Sustainability Consultancy, Harwell, Oxfordshire), David Barrett (School of Veterinary Sciences), Taro Takahashi (School of Veterinary Sciences), Mhairi Gibson (Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, School of Arts)

Increasing resilience to volcanic hazards through monitoring capacity building in Guatemala

Matthew Watson (Earth Sciences), Tom Richardson (Aerospace Engineering)

GROUND UP: Understanding conflict and envrironment through soil

Marianna Dudley (Historical Studies), Katerina Michaelides (Geography)

Developing multi-dimensional indicators for living well (Vivir Bien)

Karen Bell (CUPPR, School for Policy Studies, Faculty of Social Science and Law), Laura Dickinson (Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), Lynn-Marie Sardinha (CSPSJ, School for Policy Studies, Faculty of Social Science and Law), Marcelo Zaiduni (Bolivian Campaign for Right to Education/Red Tinku Bolivia), Alvaro Zapata (Red Tinku Bolivia)

Building resilience against seismic hazards in the Eastern Himalaya: from Bhutan to Myanmar

Dr Frances Cooper (Earth Sciences), Dr Byron Adams (Earth Sciences), Dr Daniel Haines (History) 

Bridging the gap between damage and business recovery in developing countries: a quantitative model using satellite recovery indicators

Dr Flavia de Luca (Civil Engineering), Dr Dina Damen (Computer Science) 

What does climate change look like? 

Investigators: Jon Blundy (Earth Sciences), Alice Cunningham (Artist in Residence)

Bristol BREATHE Project - iGEM 2017

Jonathan De Oliveira (History), Jeremie Joannes (Aerospace Engineering) 
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