Education for Sustainability Coordinator

Josie Maskell

Josie Maskell

Josie (she/her) works closely with Prof Chris Preist, University Academic Director of Sustainability, on Education for Sustainability (ESD). They are working towards the universities strategic commitment to integrate discipline-relevant sustainability education into the learning outcomes and experience of every University of Bristol student. This involves organising meetings with schools to assess their curriculum for existing content, instigating collaborative discussions on what could be included in future, and recording this data so that we have a clear picture of what is on offer for our students. Josie is also the coordinator for the Education for Sustainable Development Network (ESDN). This network provides resources, workshops and events to encourage staff to consider including more ESD within their disciplines. Contact if you wish to be added to the ESDN mailing list.

Josie previously spent 4.5 years working in the School of Physics as an Admin Assistant and Student Administrator. Whilst there she chaired the schools Sustainability Action Committee, achieving Silver, and then Gold NUS Green Impact awards. She also helped coordinate all 135 of the School’s labs to achieve 100% LEAF Green Labs accreditation in 2021. In 2023 she was chosen as a finalist in the Sustainability Champion – Staff category for the EAUC Green Gown Awards. Josie enjoys coordinating events and meeting passionate staff and students across the University to chat sustainability.

In her spare time Josie enjoys yoga, playing guitar and spending time in nature.

You can email Josie on or call +44 117 455 3121.

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