Accountability, sustainability and governance

The Accountability, Sustainability and Governance group investigates broad issues of accountability and governance in both the public and private sectors.

The group conducts research stemming from the field of accounting, with the ultimate aim of contributing to the betterment of our planet and society.

We investigate broad issues of accountability, sustainability and governance in the public, private and third sectors. These include the study of social and environmental disclosures in corporate reports, how accounting is implicated in societal issues, the role of governance and accounting in defining organisational practices with regard to sustainability, as well as developments in accounting for government and public sector entities.

Our research has been published in leading accounting journals such as Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, Accounting and Business Research, Accounting Forum, Accounting Organizations and Society, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, and European Accounting Review.

We also publish beyond accounting such as in Science, Conservation Biology, British Journal of ManagementOrganization Studies, and Public Management Review, and in interdisciplinary journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics.Our research has also appeared in reports for professional associations (CIMA, ICAS) and other organisations.

Contact us

Organisations or individuals interested in working with the Accountability, Sustainability and Governance research group, please contact:

Headshot of Giovanna Michelon

Professor Giovanna Michelon

PhD, Msc
Professor of Accounting, University of Bristol Business School

Headshot of Stuart Cooper

Professor Stuart M Cooper

BA(Exon.), PhD(Aston)
Professor of Accounting, University of Bristol Business School

Projects and interest areas

We offer PhD supervision on any accountability sustainability and governance topics, which will allow applicants to work alongside some outstanding scholars in the field, while being exposed to an interdisciplinary and collaborative research environment.

We work and continue to expand our collaborations with other academic institutions, industry, practitioners and regulators by providing research and consulting, and organising conferences and seminars. At present, our faculty engages with organisations such as the ACCA, CIMA, ICAS, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group.

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