Exploring digital futures through play

How can we harness the power of play to imagine futures in more inclusive, accessible and collaborative ways?

The big issues

Digital technologies will profoundly impact many aspects of our future lives. These impacts will be experienced in diverse ways depending on our intersecting identities and how these identities impact our access, power, economic and political realities. Consequently, some communities and individuals will receive less than their fair share of the benefits of digital technologies and more than their fair share of the harms, with little leverage in the digital innovation ecosystem to make their voices heard. High quality socio-technical innovation requires methods that enable researchers and innovators to imagine futures in inclusive, accessible and collaborative ways, and crucially with the communities and publics who may be affected by them. 

Prevalent foresight methods, such as scenario planning and horizon scanning, are poorly configured for these uses, often concentrating on input from expert contributors or influential organisations and failing to account for the power and relevance of lived and diverse experience.  

They are not well-suited to co-creation contexts, and require high levels of support and facilitation, making them inaccessible to any but the largest organisations.  

Our response

In Exploring Digital Futures through Play we will bring together expertise in futures (Vivienne Kuh),  play (Coney), ethical governance (DREI Research Ethics & Governance) and public engagement (DREI Public Engagement) to harness the power of play to enable us to connect, imagine and problem solve together, devising and piloting a suite of futures games for researchers, innovators, publics and ethics committees that are inclusive and accessible by design.  

Project Team

  • Vivienne Kuh (PI, Responsible Innovation, UoB)
  • Tassos Steven (CO-I, Coney)
  • Liam McKervey (Research Governance, UoB)
  • Mireia Bes (Public Engagement, UoB)
  • Ellie Hart (Public Engagement, UoB)
  • Ben Meller (Public Engagement, UoB)
  • Emily Davis (Coney)
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