Colin Gavaghan - Professor of Digital Futures, University of Bristol Law School

17 May 2023, 4.00 PM - 17 May 2023, 3.00 PM

Colin Gavaghan

Bristol Digital Futures Institute, 65 Avon Street BS2 OPZ

Move fast and mend things: making good rules for fast-moving tech

As part of the BDFI Introduces seminar series, Professor Colin Gavaghan will be presenting an important topical discussion around law-making and the changing landscape of technologies like artificial intelligence. 

Tech developers have sometimes claimed to operate under the maxim of “move fast and break things.” The result is that disruptive technologies like Google, Facebook and ChatGPT often arrive in our societies before their implications have been properly thought through. And even as we think through their impacts, their form and function keeps evolving.

How can law keep pace with such rapid technological change? Should law-makers and regulators try to get ahead of new technologies? Or would they be better to take a wait-and-see approach? Do new technologies need new rules? And if so, how can we make sure these rules aren’t out of date almost as soon as they’re created?

Join us for a discussion of some of the challenges and questions facing rule-makers, and some of the strategies available to them.

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