The aim is to support research focused on a number of populations, including research with health or social care professionals, University staff, students, and populations at risk of disadvantage.
The new projects span student and young people's mental health and wellbeing, impacts of COVID-19 on mental health, and research looking into vulnerable groups. The successful projects demonstrated clear pathways to deliverables and next steps, such as impact on practice, patient or individual outcomes or future large-scale programmes of work.
Successful awardees
Jennifer Cooper
Faculty of Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School
Forecasting the effects of COVID-19 on patient experience and service delivery across a whole mental health system: a computer simulation study
Co-applicants: Rachel Denholm, John Macleod, Ben Murch, Julian Walker, Richard Wood (NHS)
Find out more about this project: Jennifer Cooper Presentation (PDF, 406kB)
Bruce Hood
Faculty of Life Sciences, School of Psychological Science
Evaluation of an Online Science of Happiness Course on student mental wellbeing
Co-applicant: Sarah Jelbert
Find out more about this project: Bruce Hood presentation (PDF, 774kB)
Michelle Farr
Faculty of Health Sciences, Bristol, Medical School
Mobile technology for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking: Impacts on mental health and wellbeing
Co-applicants: Alice Malpass, Jeremy Horwood, Hugh McLeod
Find out more about this project: Michelle Farr presentation (PDF, 577kB)
Alex Kwong
Faculty of Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School
The long-term impact of COVID-19 on mental health: comparisons between health record linkage and observed longitudinal data
Co-applicants: Rebecca Pearson, Andy Boyd, Dheeraj Rai, Ryan McConville, Julian Walker (NHS)
Find out more about this project: Alex Kwong presentation (PDF, 778kB)
Felicity Sedgewick
Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, School of Education
The impact of COVID-19 and distance learning on undergraduate students’ resilience and psycho-social wellbeing: A three-stage study to explore, implement, and evaluate effective strategies to build student community
Co-applicants - Antonia Lythgoe, Charlotte Flothmann, Trang Mai Tran
Find out more about this project: Felicity Sedgewick presentation (PDF, 475kB)