Opportunities for teaching & learning in the Botanic Garden

The Botanic Garden provides a living laboratory and outdoor learning space for students throughout the University.

Examples of the living laboratory and outdoor learning space for students throughout the University include:

  • In Biological Sciences c. 220 students first year undergraduates attend a first-year practical class in the Botanic Garden and several week-long field courses are based in or visit the Garden. 
  • The School of Social & Community Medicine has run second-year optional unit  student projects on  herbal medicine.  
  • The School of Education PGCE teaches students how to use the garden environment as an outdoor classroom.  
  • The School of Physiology Pharmacology and Neuroscience visit the Western Herb Garden to look at medicinal plants.  
  • The English Department use the Botanic Garden environment for writing workshops. 
  • Geographical Sciences visit to study the effects of plant communities as green solutions to cleaning water, stabilizing ground and providing alternative surfaces.  
  • Faculty of Engineering uses the Gardens to study green engineering.  
  • The Botanic Garden also provides substantial volunteering opportunities for students in both specialist and generic skills, for example: in plant science, horticulture, working with people, science education and event management.  

If you are interested in using the Botanic Garden for teaching and learning, please fill out the form Teaching application (Office document, 49kB) and email it to sci-director-botanic-gardens@bristol.ac.uk. 

A group of students being given information by a staff member outside at the Botanic Gardens. There are large trees the background and plants all around.
A staff member gives a talk to a group of students.
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