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Fascination of Plants Day: What are the important questions for plant science research?

CorianderHelen Harper

Press release issued: 19 May 2021

What are the most important challenges for plant science research? Today [18 May] is the first-ever virtual Fascination of Plants Day and researchers from the University of Bristol and The New Phytologist would like to find out from members of the public and academia, farmers, policy makers, funding bodies and industry what issues plant science research should tackle.

The goal of today's virtual event is to encourage as many people as possible around the world to experience the amazing and important roles plants play in our lives and in nature. Fascination of Plants Day is about showcasing the importance of plant science for agriculture and sustainable production of nutritious foods, as well as understanding the diversity of plants around the world.

Professor Claire Grierson, Head of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol, said: "During the pandemic many people have come to appreciate nature more and to enjoy watching the plants around them thrive. It is really exciting to think about the many ways plants can help us, from providing food, clothing, oxygen in the air and beauty around us, to stabilising climates and capturing carbon. Which challenges do you think are most important for the next ten years and why?"

Questions can be submitted until the end of June 2021 at:

One hundred questions from these submissions will be selected by a panel and the final list will be published in The New Phytologist.

Further information

About Fascination of Plants Day 2017
The sixth international “Fascination of Plants Day” will be launched by plant scientists across the world under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO). The goal of this activity is to get as many people as possible around the world fascinated by plants and enthused about the importance of plant science for agriculture and sustainable production of nutritious food, as well as for horticulture, forestry and the production of plant-based non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals.

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