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Leverhulme grant awarded to study plant-pollinator interactions

5 April 2011

A Leverhulme Trust grant of £220K has been awarded to Professor Daniel Robert, Professor Simon Hiscock and Dr. Heather Whitney to study the interactions of plants with their insect pollinators.

A Leverhulme Trust grant of £220K has been awarded to Professor Daniel Robert, Professor Simon Hiscock and Dr. Heather Whitney to study the interactions of plants with their insect pollinators. This award will enable novel multidisciplinary research on the biophysical interactions between bees and flowers. Prior work by the team at the School of Biological Sciences (pump-primed with funding from LESARS) provided critical preliminary data showing that bumblebees can be trained to distinguish between flowers which differ in their electrical characteristics. This award will now enable the team to expand and develop this unique new area of research. A postdoctoral research assistant position to work on the project will be advertised shortly.
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