Acceptance and Refusal of Donations Policy
The University has an obligation to its students, staff, supporters, stakeholders, funders and the wider public to ensure that it conducts its fundraising in an ethical manner. This includes accepting donations only from sources which support its core values of impartial and independent research, scholarship and teaching.
As a charity, we are obliged to accept all donations unless it would be unlawful to do so, or would be detrimental to the achievement of our charitable educational purposes.
In recognition of this obligation, it is our policy that we will accept all donations except those that we judge to be obtained from activities which are or could be deemed to be unlawful, or those which could otherwise adversely affect the reputation of the University or compromise its academic freedom or integrity.
The purpose of this policy is to allow the University to make clear and consistent decisions regarding the acceptance or refusal of donations. This policy applies to the Board of Trustees, staff of the University's Development and Alumni Relations Office, and all staff engaged in fundraising or receiving and managing donations on the University’s behalf.
Read the full Policy and Guidelines for the Acceptance and Refusal of Donations (PDF, 1,507kB)
Naming Policy
As a global civic university, we recognise the importance of naming in conveying a sense of identity and belonging. Equally, we recognise that names of buildings and places can become associated with both successful and challenging periods of history. Naming decisions will be guided by general principles that are mindful of our history and how the University’s mission and values will be perceived by current and future generations.
The Naming Policy covers naming opportunities for buildings, facilities, centres and institutes, and other areas of work and activities, including academic posts and scholarship and prize funds. The principal motivation to consider a naming opportunity is that the University wishes to recognise an exceptional or significant contribution to the institution by an individual, group or organisation. This contribution may be through exceptional leadership, academic excellence or outstanding achievement in a particular field or philanthropy.
Read the full Naming Policy (PDF, 1,504kB)and associated nomination forms (Office document, 32kB).