The Personal Tutoring Project

The Personal Tutoring Project is a research project funded by the Tuixen Foundation, which was set up to review and evaluate personal tutoring at the university of Bristol. The research is led by Dr Nienke Alberts and Dr Rachel Lart in collaboration with Prof Alvin Birdi, the University academic lead for personal tutoring. The project has 2 strands of research.

Research with the research panel focuses on the student experience through a longitudinal study of the expectations and experiences of undergraduate students.

The case study research considers both staff and student perspectives and reviews personal tutoring models of 6 schools at the University, particularly focusing on how these models fit within the broader culture of teaching in the school.

More information on both strands of research can be found below.

The project has recently received a further 3 years of funding from the Tuixen Foundation. Future research will focus on the experience of specific groups of students and how personal tutors can best support these students. Specifically, research will focus on the experiences of postgraduate taught (PGT) students, international students, students from a BAME background, and students with a disability. If you want to get involved in the project, please contact Nienke Alberts.

This study has been given ethical approval by the University of Bristol School for Policy Studies Research Ethics Committee (Reference SPSREC1819/055).

Research panel 

Find out more about our longitudinal study on student expectations and experiences of personal tutoring at Bristol. 

Case studies 

Find out more about our research with staff, undergraduate- and postgraduate students in 6 schools at the University.