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BUCG Merchandising

This page details the various products of BUCG merchandising that are or have been available. If you are interested in obtaining any of these items then you should contact Tony (


Our latest shameless merchandising effort is the BUCG hat! This fashionable item is currently all the rage in London and can be obtained at the very reasonable price of £8.50.

Safety notice: the BUCG hat is not fire proof, as discovered by Tony recently.


There has been much demand for hoodies but we are currently suffering from a design crisis. We need somebody to come up with inspiration for a design for the back of the hoodie (not the same as the T-shirt please) and somebody (who could be the same person) to use their artistic talents to turn that design into reality. Once this has happened the BUCG hoodie will surely be the next great thing in fashion!


The BUCG T-shirts have proven very popular. Allegedly only one is left unsold, so get in touch if you'd like to make a bid for it.

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