Information about the group
Programme of tasks and socials
Committee details
Scrapbook of photos and the like
Archive of old web pages

Autumn 2009 Events Programme

The autumn term is here! On this page you'll find information about upcoming events and socials so make sure regularly.

Saturday 14th - Sunday 15th November

Alfrick weekend

A weekend of coppicing, path widening and bramble clearance with the lovely Trevor and Annette...sounds good, yes? This is always a really popular event so don't miss out! Accomodation on the Saturday is a village hall and there will be a small charge to cover costs. If you have any questions please ask a member of the committee or have a look through the scrapbook at what happened in previous years.

Sunday 29th November

Leigh Woods

Our next event is over the Suspension Bridge at Leigh Woods. No transport necessary (unless, of course, you're one of those unfortunate people who live a million miles away). Leigh Woods is always worth exploring so please join us for what will probably be mostly scrub clearance. Directions will be provided closer to the time, keep checking your emails!

Sunday 6th December

Lower Woods

Our last event of the term is at Lower Woods. We'll be getting the minibus to this event so don't forget to let me know where you want to be picked up when you sign up!

Older programmes can be found in the archive.