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Spring 2007 Events Programme

This is an archived programme, click here for the current programme.

Sunday 21st January

Berrow Dunes

We'll be cutting and burning invasive sea buckthorn on the dune system. Pick-ups will be at the union 9.15am (minibus), Arches 9.30am (minibus) and Stoke Bishop shop 9.45am (Tony's car), returning around 6pm.

>> Find out about this reserve

Sunday 4th February


On our visit to the reclaimed landfill site we'll be constructing a bird viewing screen. They feed us soup and cake, so there's no need to bring a big lunch! Pick-ups are at the Stoke Bishop union shop 9am, the union 9.15am or the Arches 9.30am - returning around 6pm.

>> Find out about this reserve

Sunday 18th February

Cheddar Woods

Our task will be rebuilding part of a drystone wall. Pick-ups will be union 9.15am, Stoke Bishop shop 9.30am, Arches 9.45am and we'll be back around 6pm as usual.

>> Find out about this reserve

Tuesday 27th February

Pub Social

A chance to meet up for a drink without stinking of bonfire smoke! In the Penny Farthing on Whiteladies Road from 7.30pm.

>> Where's it to?

Sunday 4th March

Leigh Woods

In a break from the usual routine we'll be walking to the reserve this week, since it's just on the other side of the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The task is "felling small trees" and we tend to sort the wood for use by gardeners and craftsmen rather than burning it.
Meet on the Clifton side of the suspension bridge at 9.45am (sorry if it's a long walk from where you live).

>> Find out about this reserve

>> Map of the meeting point

Tuesday 13th March

Annual General Meeting

Don't be frightened by the name, it's basically just a meal where we elect the new committee and get awards for silly things. We have a (large) table booked at Pizza Express at the top of Park Street for 7.30pm. Meet at The Berkeley from 7pm onwards, or else go straight to the restaurant.

>> Where is Pizza Express?

Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th March

Devon weekend

We'll be leaving on Saturday morning for a full weekend's conserving on the Tarka Trail cycle path in North Devon. Accommodation will be in Taddiport village hall. This should be a brilliant trip, so get in touch with President Vicky vm4259 to book your place.

As well as the usual clothing and packed lunch (for Saturday) you'll also need to bring a sleeping bag and a carry-mat/airbed. Food will be provided for Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast and Sunday lunch.... there will be a small charge to cover the cost of this.

>> Find out about this reserve

>> Find out about conservation events (and what to bring)

Older programmes can be found in the archive.