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Autumn 2006 Events Programme

This is an archived programme, click here for the current programme.

Thursday 5th & Friday 6th October

Freshers' Fair

If you'd like to join us, or find out about what we do, come along to our stall at Fresh: 4th floor in the Union Building. It runs 10am - 6pm on the Thursday and 10am - 4pm on the Friday.

>> How to find our stall

Sunday 8th October

Introductory Silly Hat Social

For our first social we'll help you to find us by wearing an assortment of hats. You are welcome to bring your own hat (silly or otherwise) - but don't worry if you "forget"! Turn up any time after 7.30pm in the Epi Bar on the 3rd floor of the Union Building.... or more likely the adjoining Cafe Zuma cos it gets quite busy in Freshers' Week.

Sunday 15th October

Dolebury Warren

Our first task of the term will be scrub bashing near an iron age hill fort and we are hoping for a bonfire! The minibus will pick-up from the union at 9.30am and the Stoke Bishop shop at 9.45am (a car will pick-up from the Arches at 9.45am). We'll be back in Bristol around 6pm.

>> Find out about this reserve

Monday 23rd October

Pub social

At the Richmond Spring - a nice little pub with rather funny murals. It's easy to find, being at the side of the Students' Union, on Gordon Road. Everyone's welcome, whether or not you've been on an event yet - just turn up from 8pm.

Sunday 29th October

Cadbury Camp

This task is going to involve clearing brambles and other scrub from around the iron age hill-fort. And a bonfire. Sadly there'll be no Willy Wonka and no chocolate waterfall, but hot drinks are of course provided! Pick-ups at the Union 9am, Arches 9.15am, Stoke Bishop shop 9.30am and returning by 6pm as usual.

>> Find out about this reserve

>> Find out about conservation events (and what to bring)

Tuesday 7th November

Pub Social

Our next social will be in the Highbury Vaults, which is on St Michaels Hill near Somerfield. Join us from 7.30pm and if you haven't been before, look out for our mascot Molly.

>> How to find the pub

Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th November

Ravenshill Wood (aka The Alfrick Weekend)

This is a date to keep clear in your diaries! At this nature reserve in Worcestershire we'll have a choice of tasks (such as building fences, improving paths, surveying nest boxes, coppicing and more). The wardens are really friendly and because they live on the reserve we get lovely hot lunches provided. Accommodation on the Saturday is in a village hall and there's a nice pub just down the road. There will be a small charge to cover costs.

Pick-ups are on Saturday at 8am union, 8.15am Arches, 8.30am Stoke Bishop shop. For the benefit of anybody meeting us there, we're starting work at 10am and staying in Alfrick village hall.

>> Find out about this reserve

>> Look at the photos from last year

Thursday 23rd November

Pub Social

So you didn't like the idea of sitting underneath evil patio heaters at the Highbury Vaults? Don't worry, we'll be properly indoors for our next social at Micawbers (pub) on St Michaels Hill. Join us there from 7.30pm onwards. If you haven't been to a social or task yet then it's never too late.

>> How to find the pub

Sunday 26th November

Midger Wood

The task will be scrub bashing on the edge of the woods, to protect the SSSI grassland. Pick-ups are Union 9.15am, Stoke Bishop shop 9.30am, Arches 9.45am.

>> Find out about this reserve

Sunday 3rd December

Lower Woods

The final task this term will be coppicing. Pick-ups are from the union 9.15am, Stoke Bishop shop 9.30am and Arches 9.45am.

>> Find out about this reserve

Wednesday 15th December

Christmas Meal

Come and join us for some festive curry on our last social before Christmas. We're booked in at the Indian Ocean on Cotham Hill at 7.30pm.

>> How to find the restaurant

Older programmes can be found in the archive.