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Spring 2005 Events Programme

This is an archived programme, click here for the current programme.

Saturday 15th January

Sam's birthday

Sam has invited us to his birthday celebrations, which will last most of the day. Meet at the zoo at 12 noon with a picnic, or at the Port of Call pub on York Street (off Blackboy Hill) at 6.30pm for food and drinks.

>> Map of the pub

Sunday 16th January

Berrow Dunes

For our first task of the year Gwen has arranged a trip to the beach! Join us in tropical North Somerset if you fancy chopping down Sea Buckthorn bushes and burning them. Pick-ups from the Union 9am, Arches 9.15am, UH 9.30am and returning by 6pm as usual.

>> Find out about this reserve

Sunday 30th January

Cheddar Wood

If you're one of those people who likes the idea of a conservation event that doesn't involve chopping stuff down then this may be just the thing for you: dry stone walling. (This means building a wall using stones but no cement.) Pick-ups from Union 9.15am, UH 9.30am, Arches 9.45am, back by 6pm as usual.

>> Find out about this reserve

Wednesday 2nd February

Pub social

Join Tony, Ally and others in the Richmond Spring (next to the Union) any time from 8pm for a drink and a natter.

Sunday 6th February

Leigh Woods

This is likely to involve chopping things down - e.g. coppicing, scrub bashing, path clearance. Since it's just the other side of the suspension bridge we'll be walking there and back. Meet at the Union 9.15am or the Clifton end of the bridge at 9.30am.

>> Find out about this reserve

Tuesday 8th February

Pancake Day

Come along to Tony's flat for some pancakes from 7.30pm onwards - and bring the toppings and drinks of your choice.

Sunday 20th February

Carymoor - POSTPONED

This event has been postponed until next week.

Sunday 27th February


The plan is to plant trees inside old tyres at this capped landfill reserve. Apparently soup has been promised for lunch... Pick up times are 9am Union, 9.15 University Hall, 9.30 Arches.

>> Find out about this reserve

Thursday 3rd March


This isn't as dull as it sounds! We're having a meal at Planet Pizza on Whiteladies Road at 6.30pm, during which we hold the informal election of next year's committee. For those in the know there is also a presentation of awards.

Saturday 12th - Sunday 13th March

Devon weekend

We'll be leaving early on the Saturday morning: 8.30am from the Union (only). Accommodation is in a village hall so bring something to sleep on, as well as a packed lunch for Saturday... all other food is included. The work will be on sand dunes at Instow. Returning to Bristol by 7pm on the Sunday.

>> Find out about this work site

Older programmes can be found in the archive.