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Autumn 2005 Events Programme

This is an archived programme, click here for the current programme.

Thursday 6th October & Friday 7th October

FRESH 2005

Pop along to our stall in the Union building from 10-6pm on Thursday or 10am-4pm on Friday to join-up, have some fudge or just get a bit of information. We are nice to talk to and won't force you to part with your cash. Find us on the 4th floor in LSR4!

>> Further details

Sunday 16th October

Netcotts Meadow

This is a wildflower meadow which requires scrub clearance in the autumn months. Pick up times have changed - they are now: 9.30 at the Students Union, 9.45 at University Hall and 10.00 at the Arches.

>> Find out about this reserve

>> Find out about conservation events

Saturday 22nd - Sunday 23rd October

Ravenshill Weekend

Our annual trip to Ravenshill Wood is the most popular conservation task of the year. It is an Ancient semi-natural woodland reserve in the Malvern Hills managed as an important wildlife habitat, a resource for traditional woodland skills such as charcoal burning, and as an open reserve for walkers and school groups. We stay in a village hall and work on a privately managed reserve doing all sorts of things. There is hot food laid-on for lunch and a good pub just down the road.

Have a look in the scrapbook for previous visits.

>> Find out about this reserve

Sunday 30th October

Cadbury Camp

No chocolate unfortunately, apart from the hot liquid variety, but some more high quality scrub bashing is promised to allow regeneration of grassland habitat and improve to access to surrounding deciduous woodland.

>> Find out about this reserve

Sunday 20th November

Ravensroost Wood

Coppicing this week, which means cutting down trees for those of you who don't know. Fun! SSSI ancient woodland, work involves coppicing to maintain woodland glades which enable the reserve to support a diversity of wildflowers, butterflies and birds.

>> Find out about this reserve

Sunday 27th November

Midger Wood

Looking out for the interests of butterflies, which we often do, we'll be scrub bashing on some south facing slopes. SSSI Mosaic habitat of limestone grassland and deciduous woodland of oak, ash and maple, our work is directed towards aiding the ongoing regeneration of area’s of over grown scrub to open wildflower grasslands.

>> Find out about this reserve

Sunday 11th December

Lower Woods

As usual our task will be coppicing, a kind of slightly more skilled version of scrub-bashing where we chop down trees as well as bushes/brambles. SSI Ancient semi-natural woodland managed through traditional coppicing techniques to provide material for traditional woodland crafts and maintain a rich diversity of wildlife.

>> Find out about this reserve

Older programmes can be found in the archive.