Information about the group
Programme of tasks and socials
Committee details
Scrapbook of photos and the like
Archive of old web pages

Summer 2004 Events Programme

Traditionally BUCG does not do any conservation Sunday events during the summer term, but this year as a special treat we have an event at Alfrick on the last Saturday of the Easter holidays! If you want to go on any of the conservation events be sure to get in touch with President Gwen in good time!

Most weeks

Wednesday lunch

Ally insists on going for a slap-up lunch on Wednesdays and she generally sends an email out a day or two beforehand to tell everyone where she's decided to go. If you would care to make any venue suggestions then I'm she'd love to hear from you.

17th April


Following our visit at the start of the Easter holidays, we're returning to Alfrick to complete our wheelchair path.

>> Find out about this reserve

2nd June

Film Night

Tony is hosting this cinematic evening, at which the less than well-known Michael Caine comedy Noises Off... is being screened. Bring your own drinks for the 7.30pm kick-off, but try to let him know beforehand if you intend to go.

8th June

Summer Barbecue

This year's end of term barbecue is being hosted by Vicky at her house off Gloucester Road - if you are planning on going then please let her know because she's promised to supply the grub. But not the shandy. This could be your last chance to see the departing finalists, so come along and give them tearful hugs if you like!

10th - 17th September

Scotland Trip

After last years amazing trip to the Isle of Arran we will be returning for more conservation, day tripping and adventure playground testing! You can see last years photos here.

Older programmes can be found in the archive.