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Spring 2004 Events Programme

If you want to go on any of the Sunday events always make sure that you email President Gemma a few days in advance so that we know where to pick you up!

14th January

Wednesday Lunch: New World Chinese, 1pm

This week's pub lunch is at New World Chinese, an all you can eat restaurant opposite the Hatchet on Frogmore Street, near the iceskating rink and behind The Hippodrome. It's £5 for a meal and so we hope to see lots of people there!

18th January

Berrow Dunes

Our task will be to clear some invasive Sea Buckthorn, that has been colonising the dunes for 50 years, not allowing any other plants to grow! We will carry out this revenge with a big bonfire - perfect to keep you warm in this weather! There may also be an opportunity to plant some marram grass, and explore the dunes.

You will need to bring a packed lunch, and a mug for hot chocolate/tea, which we provide. There will also be biscuits and marshmallows for all! If possible, bring a waterproof coat and trousers, in case it rains! Wear suitable strong shoes, and clothes that you don't mind getting a bit messy! Also some beer money for the pub on the way back!

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21st January

Wednesday Lunch: La Tasca, 1pm

This week's Wednesday lunch venue is La Tasca, the Spanish tapas place on the triangle.

22nd January

Wednesday Lunch: Pizza Hut, 1pm

This week our magical tour of bristol food establishments will be taking in Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut do a lunch buffet for around £5.50 where you can eat as much of that yummy cheesy goodness as you can (also on offer are pasta and salad). It is by the Hippodrome and everyone is welcome to join us - the more the merrier!

1st February

Cheddar Woods

We are travelling to Cheddar Woods in Somerset to rebuild a boundary dry-stone wall that we have been working on for a few years now. The woodland around it is very secluded, with lots of doormouse and bat boxes! Dry-stone walling is a unique skill, and quite fun too, so if you fancy a go at something a bit different come along!

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4th February

Wednesday Lunch: Beijing Bistro, 1pm

This week we will be visiting the Beijing Bistro at the top of Park Street. It's a chinese (we think) restaurant that charges about £6 or so for main courses including rice or noodles. Food has been good whenever Tony has been...

11th February

Wednesday Lunch: Thai Restaurant, 1pm

To quote Ally's email: This week our Wednesday lunch will be at the Thai restaurant on Park Row just opposite MVB (the building for those freaky computer scientists!!! Sorry Sam!! and next to the petrol station. I'm not sure what its called but it definately says Thai somewhere on the front of it! They do a 2 course set lunch for £6 with a choice of dishes including lots of veggie choice. So 1pm on Wednesday if you want to come. If you're not sure where it is let me know and we can meet up beforehand.

15th February

Leigh Woods

This weekend we will be going to Leigh Woods, which is our most local nature reserve, run by the National Trust. If you've ever wondered what was on the other side of the suspension bridge - apart from Somserset, well come along and have a look! The reserve covers 80 acres along the Avon Gorge, and is semi-natural ancient woodland (very old) of various types. The management is traditional stylie, so we are off to do some coppicing (cutting trees down so they grow back again, to make new baby trees!). There will be no minibus, as we can walk there easily in 20mins from the union!

Meet outside the union at 9.45am, or the Bristol side of the suspension bridge at 10am, so we can all go together and no-one gets lost! If you usually get picked up at University Hall, there may be space in one car, as we have to collect tools from there anyway!

Please send President Gemma an email if you are coming, with where you will meet us, so we can wait for you, and get enough tools. Remember to bring a mug for hot drink, clothes you don't mind getting a bit dirty and some pub money - we'll go somewhere in Clifton on the way home!

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18th February

Wednesday Lunch: Wagamama's, 1pm

This week we're off to 'Wagamama' on the triangle (opposite Sainsbury). It's a Japanese noodle bar and Gemma has lots of 2 for 1 meal vouchers so it should be quite cheap!

25th February

Wednesday Lunch: The Scotsman and His Pack, 1pm

At extreme short notice (sorry!) this Wednesday's pub lunch will be in The Scotsman and His Pack pub at the bottom of St Michael's Hill at 1pm. This is a break with recent tradition because the pub lunch is actually being held in a pub!

29th February

Berrow Dunes

We're doing exactly the same thing as last time, but this time we'll have some potatoes to go with our fire! We'll also be taking some kites to fly on the beach so it should be a really great day out.

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3rd March

Wednesday Lunch: Pizza Hut, 1pm

This week our magical tour of bristol food establishments will be returning to Pizza Hut, since it was so popular last time. Pizza Hut do a lunch buffet for around £5.50 where you can eat as much of that yummy cheesy goodness as you can (also on offer are pasta and salad). It is by the Hippodrome and everyone is welcome to join us - the more the merrier!

10th March

Wednesday Lunch: Some Pizza/Pasta PLace, 1pm

Taking our reputation for last minute lunch plans to new heights, today's so called "pub lunch" will be at some pizza/pasta place on Park Street. We don't know what it's called, but we do know that we're going at 1pm. If you want to join us then good luck to you, because even I don't know what's going on at the moment. *cough*

14th March


This Sunday we are adventuring to deepest Somerset to the restored landfill site that is Carymoor Environmental Trust. This site is being restored to attract wildlife, rather than the seagulls and rubbish that a landfill site attracts! The University even has some research projects taking place here (including the one Gemma is doing about bumblebees!). I have been informed that we are building some fencing for sheep, that are used for grazing, as traditional management of the newly created meadow. There is also hot home-made soup for us, chocolate cake, and real tea! Aren't they people nice!

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>> See last year's photos

19th-21st March

Devon Weekend (yes - really this time!)

Originally this was going to be the weekend of the 20th-22nd February, but then it wasn't. The plan remains the same however!

The plan is to travel to Devon to work on the coastal footpath. We are helping the North Devon Coast and Countryside Service to resurrect an old railway line built in the Second World War and change it into a footpath/cyclepath/bridleway. It follows the line of the sand dunes, and so our work will involve clearing vegetation, edging the path with wood, filling it with stone, and building sandcastles of course! We are leaving on Friday (20th) at about 7pm, and returning at about the same time on Sunday night. We will be staying either in a Youth Hostel or a Village Hall, paid for by the NDCCS, so cost of the weekend will just be for food, which will be under £10 - a bargain!!

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Older programmes can be found in the archive.