Information about the group
Programme of tasks and socials
Committee details
Scrapbook of photos and the like
Archive of old web pages

Autumn 2004 Events Programme

The programme is regularly updated, as and when new information becomes available.

If you want to go on any of the Sunday events be sure to get in touch with President Gwen the week before and tell her where you would like to be picked-up.

Thursday 30th September & Friday 1st October

FRESH 2004

Pop along to our stall in the Union building from 12-7pm on Thursday or 10am-4pm on Friday to join-up, have some fudge or just get a bit of information. We are nice to talk to and won't force you to part with your cash. Find us on the 4th floor in LSR4!

>> Further details

Thursday 7th October

Silly hat social

Our first social of the year is traditionally held in the Epi bar, with members of the committee wearing silly hats so that we can be spotted easily! This year is no exception, so come and meet everyone from 8pm onwards. And if you are particularly keen on silly hats then bring your own along so that we don't feel so stupid...

Sunday 10th October

Purn Hill

Clearing brambles and scrub from an area of limestone grassland (there are rumours that we may be having a bonfire). The minibus will pick people up from the Union at 9.20, The Arches at 9.35 and University Hall car park at 9.50.

>> Find out about this reserve

>> Find out about conservation events

Thursday 21st October


Come and join us for the happy hour from 5-7pm.... or later if you don't mind paying more for your designer real beers! This swanky bar is on Park Row at the bottom of St Michaels Hill.

>> Zerodegrees website

Sunday 24th October

Cadbury Camp

No chocolate unfortunately, apart from the hot liquid variety, but some more high quality scrub bashing is promised. Collection from the Union at 9am, The Arches at 9.15am or outside the main block of University Hall at 9.30am, returning to Bristol by 6pm.

>> Find out about this reserve

Saturday 6th - Sunday 7th November

Alfrick weekend

Our annual trip to Ravenshill Wood is the most popular conservation task of the year. We stay in a village hall and work on a privately managed reserve doing all sorts of things. There is hot food laid-on for lunch and a good pub just down the road. We'll also be joining Trevor and Annette Smart (the wardens) for a bonfire on Saturday evening.
Collection on Saturday from the Union 8am, Arches 8.15am, UH 8.30am, returning by 6pm on Sunday.

Have a look in the scrapbook for previous visits.

>> Find out about this reserve

Friday 12th November

Pub social

Tony politely requests the pleasure of our company in the Brewery Tap near the bottom of St Michaels Hill from 8pm.

Sunday 14th November

Midger Wood

Looking out for the interests of butterflies, which we often do, we'll be scrub bashing on some south facing slopes. Pick-ups from the Union 9am, University Hall 9.15am, Arches 9.30am, returning by 6pm.

>> Find out about this reserve

Sunday 21st November

Ravensroost Wood

Coppicing this week, which means cutting down trees for those of you who don't know. Fun! Collection from the Union 9am, University Hall 9.15, Arches 9.30 and returning by 6pm as usual.

>> Find out about this reserve

Wednesday 24th November (new date)

Comedy night

Meet at the Magic Box on Cheltenham Road (a Wetherspoon's pub) for drinks at 7pm, then on to Jester's Comedy Club across the road. Entry is a mere fiver, or £6 if you aren't a student and as well as funny stuff there is also cheap eaty and drinky stuff too.

>> Visit the Jester's website

Friday 26th November

Tony and Ally's Birthday Bash

If you'd like to join the celebrating pair in the Richmond Spring pub (opposite the Union) from 8pm, they'll be delighted to see you.

Sunday 5th December

Lower Woods

As usual our task will be coppicing, a kind of slightly more skilled version of scrub-bashing where we chop down trees as well as bushes/brambles. Meet at the Union 9am, UH 9.15am or the Arches 9.30am... back by 6pm.

>> Find out about this reserve

Thursday 9th December

Christmas Meal

This year's festive culmination to the term looks set to be a jolly fun caper! We are meeting in The Mall (pub) in Clifton from 6pm and then moving along to Zizzi's for pizza at 7pm. Don't forget to bring your present for the Secret Santa lucky dip.

>> Map of The Mall

>> Map of Zizzi's

Older programmes can be found in the archive.