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Archive - Spring 2003 Events Programme

Here's the programme for Spring 2003

Sunday 19th January Brown's Folly
Lots of trees to be felled and scrub to be cleared. If you want a break climb the hill and check-out the "Folly" (basically a pointless tower thing) and peer into the old mine entrance.
Wednesday 29th January St. Michael's Hill Pub Crawl
Meet in the Brewery Tap at 8pm and stagger slowly to the top of the hill between pub stops!
Sunday 2nd February Leigh Woods
Wednesday 5th February Ice Skating
It's the old favourite "Slip on your ar*e social" It costs £3.50 including skate hire (bring NUS card), we'll meet in The Ship at 8pm, then compare bruises after in The Hatchett at about 10pm
Sunday 16th February Cheddar Woods
Dry stone walling - hooray! My favourite, we'll be helping to rebuild sections of a crumbling old wall. At the end of the day we'll do the famous "walk-along-the-top-test" to find out just how strong it is (or isn't...)
Wednesday 19th February Richmond Springs Night
Opposite the Union in Clifton, a cool little pub with good grub and beer. More unusually it offers giant connect-4, as well as a pool table, and even better a giant table football table!
1/2nd March Devon Weekend
The second weekend away will as usual be in Devon. This year we'll be going to Okehampton to do some hedgelaying, and staying in a youth hostel! But this is going to be paid for by the people we're working for, leaving you just to pay for transport and grub. Total cost should be under a tenner (minus pub money) - what a bargain! If you want to go contact
Ally ASAP to bag a place
Tuesday 4th March Pancake day!
The annual pancake fry-up will be at Tony's this year - always a good one, Ally will amaze/sicken you with her combinations such as strawberry and marmite - more conservative members may prefer sugar and lemon... Anyway, email Tony if you want to go!
Sunday 16th March Carymore (near Castle Cary)
A new venue! We'll be constructing a broadwalk, and apparently have been promised a steaming hot stew for lunch! Mmmm...
Monday 17th March AGM at Medology, Gloucester Road
Big meal where the important business of eating, drinking and electing the new committee take place. Venue is Medology (opposite the Goose at the Flyer on Gloucester Road). It's eat and drink as much as you like for just £16.50! Food is greek/mediteranean (very nice too!) and the drinks available are cider, lager, sangria and wine (my advice is get the sangria and add some extra wine to it for a truly amazing drink!) The AGM is a really important event, so do come if you can - email Mary if you're interested in going ASAP.

For details of the positions going see the AGM page. Anyone can stand, email Ally if you want to!

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