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Autumn 2003 Events Programme

If you want to go on any of the Sunday events always make sure that you email President Gemma a few days in advance so that we know where to pick you up!

5th October

Lower Failand Farm

We will be working with Catherine from the National Trust, who some of you may remember from Leigh Woods/Cadbury Camp last year. We will be clearing lots of encroaching Gorse bushes, and burning them with a HUGE bonfire - yay! There will be marshmallows and potatoes provided by the lovely Gwen, as well as the usual refreshments!

12th October

Midger Woods

Come along for some scrub bashing and very likely scrub burning!

>> Find out about this reserve

25th - 26th October

Ravenshill Woods

Fantastic weekend away in Alfrick, staying in the Village Hall and helping on a near-by nature reserve. Lots of nice food and beer to be sampled too!

See last year's photos.

>> Find out about this reserve

9th November

Browns Folly

This sunday we will be going to Browns Folly, a site managed by the Avon Wildlife Trust, to do some habitat maintenance. We will be clearing scrub/trees from the side of a hill, to revert it to the rare limestone grassland, which is important for butterflies. Areas cleared in previous years have already grown rare orchid flowers, which shows the benefit our work! We will also be having a bonfire - yay!

>> Find out about this reserve

16th November

Ravensroost Woods

For our next trip of the term we will be travelling to Ravensroost Woods in Wiltshire. This reserve has a mixture of semi-natural ancient woodland, and wildflower hay meadows, which are of great benefit to the large diversity of animal and plant species that live there. Even the rare great-crested newt has made its home in some of the ponds around the reserve. We will be doing some coppicing and scrub clearance along the wide grassy rides, that meander through the forest, this management increases the amount of light getting to the forest floor, so letting smaller plants flourish!

>> Find out about this reserve

30th November

West Yatton Down

This weekend we will be travelling to this wildlife reserve which is managed by the wiltshire wildlife trust. It is an area of rare limestone grassland, and our job will be to take out any nasty invasive plants that are trying to over-grow the grass/wildflowers. The site is particularly important for butterflies, moths and birds of prey!

>> Find out about this reserve

7th December

Lower Woods

This Sunday we are going to this lovely reserve in deepest darkest Gloucestershire, managed by the wildlife trusts. It is an area of semi-natural woodland, which is being managed as a mosaic habitat, meaning lots of forest glades and tracks through the woods, which is beneficial for the maximum number of species. Our work will involve coppicing (chopping down trees so they grow again), scrub bashing (exactly that) and probably other stuff too, last year we built a house out of logs for insects - awwww!

>> Find out about this reserve

Older programmes can be found in the archive.