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Archive - Spring 2001 Programme

(Click here to see the current programme.)

This term's conservation was curtailed somewhat by the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease...

Sunday 21 January - Woodland Management at Ravensroost Wood, Wilts
This may involve coppicing, ride clearance or tree planting, so join us for this mystery extravaganza of conservation work! Meet at the Union at 9am or UH at 9.15am, returning by 6pm. All are welcome.
Thursday 25 January - Cocktail/beer social at Henry Africa's Hothouse, Whiteladies Road
Come and join us for the first social of 2001. We'll be there from 8pm doing... er, stuff... yeah. It's just up from the Rat and Parrot. Cool. See you there.
Sunday 4 February - Scrub bashing at Dolebury Warren
We've not been here recently and apparently it is a beautiful site. We are removing scrub that has encroached on the grassland and disposing of it somehow (fire?). Meet at the Union at 9.30am or UH at 9.45am, back by 6pm.
Sunday 11 February - Scrub burning at Dolebury Warren
A select few will be returning to the devastated site to incinerate as much of the evidence as possible! Phone calls only now please, Tim: 0117 926-4470.
Thursday 15 February - Laser Quest social at Laser Quest (obviously), Broadmead
Meet for preparatory drinks at 8pm in the Bay Horse near Bentalls, then on to Laser Quest for simulated carnage at 9pm. Email Sue - se9925 if you want to go. It will cost you 3.5 of your English pounds.
Sunday 18 February - Coppicing and woodland management at Lower Woods, Glos.
Completing the coppicing of an enclosed glade and using the felled wood for various traditional techniques. Meet at the Union @ 9.15am or UH @ 9.30am. We should be back by around 6pm.
Monday 26 February - Pancake and Pub Pandemonium at 34 Arley Hill (near the Arches)
Meet at the girls' house at 8.30pm for "cupboard clearing out eatingness"... this will be followed by the compulsary pub visit!
Sunday 4 March - Dune maintenance at Berrow Dune, Somerset
There'll be the chance to do battle with the evil sea buckthorn as well as replanting cleared areas with marram grass. Final details will follow shortly.

CANCELLED due to the Foot and Mouth outbreak.
Friday 16 March - Social at the Berkeley
We'll be there from about 8pm so join us to moan about not being able to destroy things. And if you're up for it a hardcore elite team will be going to Evolution afterwards.
Friday 16 - Sunday 18 March - Weekend away at Appledore, North Devon
Details will follow soon.

CANCELLED due to the Foot and Mouth outbreak.
Wednesday 21 March - Curry and AGM at Sultan's
Meet at Finnegan's Wake on Cotham Hill for drinks at 7.30pm before moving next door for the main event at 8pm. It'll be lots of fun, with the elections, awards ceremony and - of course - beer and curry. Please email me, te8911 if you want to go.

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