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Archive - Autumn 2001 Programme

(Click here to see the current programme.)

Thursday 4 & Friday 5 October - FRESH at the Union
Come along to the Union between around 10am and 5pm and fight your way through the crowds to our stall. We'll be delighted to talk to you about what we do and you can join for a mere £ 4.50!
Sunday 7 October - Scrub bashing at Midger Wood, Glos.
Meet the people who've joined conservation at our first task of the year. Scrub bashing involves removing brambles, bushes, small trees, etc to open up land for new growth. As usual we'll be stopping at a pub on the way home. Clifton types should meet outside the Union at 9am; if you are of a Stoke Bishop persuasion then University Hall car park at 9.15am. We'll be returning by 6pm.
Sunday 14 October - Coppicing at Lower Woods, Glos.
Our second trip of the term is to do some felling of trees and bushes (wicked fun!). We're there as part of an open day so there'll be volunteers from other groups as well as members of the public. Sign up by emailing Sue or Beth; meet at the Union at 9.30am or UH at 9.45am. Back by 6pm.
Tuesday 16 October - Social in the Epi
We will begin our occupation of the Union bar at 8pm and may well be there for some time, so come along and meet the gang!
Friday 19 October - Vaguely official social at Channings, Clifton
From 8.30pm onwards. Channings is on Pembroke road, just road the corner from the Union.
Sunday 21 October - Woodland management at Ravensroost Wood, Wilts.
This will probably involve some coppicing and/or scrub clearance. Meet at the Union at 9.25am, UH car park at 9.35am, or under the Arches on Gloucester Road at 9.45am - back by 6pm. Don't forget to sign-up first!
Thursday 25 October - Pub crawl in the Clifton area
Starting at the infamous Coronation Tap in Clifton village with its lethal 'Exhibition' cider, we'll wend our increasingly merry way towards the Union. Itinerary:
• 7.45pm - Union meet-up for Cori Tap virgins
• 8.00pm - Cori Tap
• 8.45pm - The Albion
• 9.30pm - Clifton Wine Bar
• 10.00pm - Richmond Spring
• 10.30pm - The Epi
If you want to find out where we are at any point then phone Chris on 07968 451011.
Sunday 4 November - Scrub bashing at West Yatton Down, Wilts.
We've not been here recently. Meet at the Union 9.15am, UH car park 9.25am or the Arches (Spar) 9.35am. Back by 6pm after the compulsary trip to the pub. To sign-up email Beth or Sue.
Tuesday 6 November - Pub social at The Penny Farthing, Whiteladies Road
The pub is opposite MacDonalds, in terms of both location and quality! From about 8.30pm onwards.
Sunday 11 November - Grassland clearance at Dolebury Warren, Avon
We'll be felling and burning nasty blackthorn BUSHES on this scenic hilltop. Union pickup is at 9.15am, UH at 9.30am or the Arches Spar at 9.45am (sign-up before hand).
Thursday 15 November - Party at Mary's house
For some reason Mary is throwing a party, but who are we to complain? Email her (mr1845) to let her know if you're going - food is laid on at a quid a head, bring yer own drink. Address: 3 Tottenham Place, Clifton (opposite Manor Hall). Time: 8.30pm onwards.
Thursday 22 November - Curry night at The Berkeley, Queen's Road
Thursday is the Wetherspoons Curry Club with cheap Indian style nosh galore (just a fiver!), but the normal menu is also available. Meet there from about 7.30pm.
P.S. If you want a proper curry then go to the Balti Hut on the Triangle instead! (don't tell anyone I said that)
Saturday 24 to Sunday 25 November - Weekend away at Ravenshill Wood, Worcs.
Departure times: Union 8.15am, UH 8.30am, Arches 8.45am. You should have had an email with all the details. If you haven't signed-up but want to go then email Beth (bc9139) asap. Returning around 6pm on Sunday. It'll be wicked!
Wednesday 28 November - Smiles Brewery Tour at Smiles Brewery (duh!)
The cost is £ 9.50 each, which includes a meal and 3 pints of beer. Email Chris (cd8420) asap if you are interested and you'll need to pay by 18 November. Final details: meet at the Brewery Tap (near the BRI) by 7pm. Everyone else can join us after 9pm.
Tuesday 4 December - Pub crawl on Gloucester Road
Here's the route: Goose at the Flyer, The Rising Sun, The Forester's Arms, The Hobgoblin, The Prince of Wales, The Hogshead, and finally the Cat and Wheel. Meet at 7.30pm outside the Arts and Social Sciences Library or 8.00pm at the first pub (click here for a map). Chris' mobile number is 07968 451011.
Monday 10 December - Christmas party at Sue and Beth's house
The soggy pub grub has been abandoned this year in favour of a cheap and cheerful party. Bring some food, a low-cost wrapped mystery present and some money for the cocktail bar. Games ideas, fancy dress, etc welcome. Address is 3 Cotham Park, starting at 7pm.

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