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Archive - Spring 2000 Programme

(Click here to see the current programme.)

Thursday 20 January - Social in the Epi
from 8.30pm onwards - just turn up!
Sunday 30 January - Habitat maintenance at Midger Wood
meet 9.15am @ Union or 9.30am @ UH, back around 5.30pm
Sunday 6 February -
Coppicing at Lower Woods
meet 9.15am @ Union or 9.30am @ UH, back around 5.30pm
Tuesday 8 February - Social in the Clifton Wine Bar (just up from the Union)
from 8.30pm onwards
Sunday 20 February - Woodland management at Ravensroost Wood, Wiltshire
meet 9.15am @ Union or 9.30am @ UH, back around 5.30pm
Monday 21 February - Social at the Lord Byron (on the Triangle)
Yup, our trusty social secretary Anna has arranged yet another drinking binge -- sorry, pub meeting -- so we'll all be there from 8.30pm onwards...
Friday 25 to Sunday 27 February - Weekend away in North Devon
We will be doing coppicing on the Tarka Trail for the benefit of dormice and staying in a community centre (with showers!). Judging from previous events it will be a great weekend and the maximum cost is just £ 15 including food, accommodation and transport.
Departing on Friday at 7pm Union/7.20pm UH, returning late afternoon on Sunday.
You will need: sleeping bag, some sort of bedding roll/mat, pillow, walking boots or wellies, warm clothing and waterproof jacket, towel, beer money and snacks (we'll supply the grub).
Thursday 9 March - Pub Crawl down St. Michael's Hill
This one's been arranged by James and Alastair...
8:00 Highbury Vaults
8:45 White Bear
9:15 Robin Hood
9:45 Micawbers
10:15 The Ship
Sunday 12 March - Marram grass planting at Berrow Dunes
meet 9.15am @ Union or 9.30am @ UH, back around 5.30pm
Monday 27 March - Curry and AGM at Sultan's Curry House
Meet at Finnegan's Wake (Cotham Hill, just off Whiteladies) at 8pm.
To eat the food of the gods, elect the committee for next year and have the annual awards presentation. If you are thinking of standing, feel free to email any of the current committee for advice or encouragement! Also, email Anna ah7326 by Friday 24th to tell her you're going.

As always, bring a packed lunch, waterproofs and strong shoes/boots. If you want to sign up for for any of the above events contact Hannah, her email address is

Clearly this only applies to weekend events, although if you really want to wear muddy boots to Bristol pubs to recreate that Sunday afternoon experience then no-one's going to stop you.....apart from the landlord perhaps!

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