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Archive - Autumn 2000 Programme

(Click here to see the current programme.)

Thursday 5 & Friday 6 October - FRESH at the Union (5th floor)
Come along and sign-up for a year of conserving for the amazing one-off price of £ 4.50 (yes - change from a fiver!)... 9.30am 'til 5-ish each day.
Monday 9 October - Introductory Social at the Epi bar (Union)
Meet all the other members of BUCG and find out how many different ideas people have of what conservation is! The committee have been 'persuaded' to wear silly hats so you can recognise us. Also sign-up for the first Sunday event. From 8pm onwards.
Sunday 15 October - Ride Clearance at Lower Woods, Glos.
This is a great first trip as we'll be chopping down overgrown trees/bushes and burning them! Meet at the Union @ 9.15am or outside the bar at University Hall @ 9.30am. We should be back by around 6pm. To sign-up email Tim (te8911) - numbers are limited.
Sunday 22 October - Coppicing at Brown's Folly, near Bath
For those of you who haven't done coppicing before it involves cutting down trees to allow new growth. Meet at UH car park at 9.30am or the Union at 9.45am [Yes, I do mean that!].
Tuesday 24 October - Pub Crawl down Whiteladies
The itinerary is as follows:
- 8.00pm Bohemia
- 8.30pm Coach and Horses
- 9.00pm Blue
- 9.30pm Penny Farthing
- 10.00pm Finnegans Wake
- 10.30pm Rat and Parrot
If you are joining us late and want to check where we are then phone Sue on 07788 711202.
Sunday 5 November - Dry stone walling at Cheddar Wood, Somerset
Meet at the Union at 9.15am or UH at 9.30am.
Monday 13 November - Ice Skating (meet at The Berkeley)
We'll be at The Berkeley from 7.30pm to 8.30pm and then on to the rink on Frogmore Street. Entry is £ 3.30 and skate hire is apparently free with a "funkydoodle" NUS card (although I expect your Bristol one would be okay too).
Saturday 18 & Sunday 19 November - Weekend trip to Ravenshill Wood, Worcs.
Meet at the Union at 9am or UH at 9.15am (as long as you've signed-up!). Bring normal conservation stuff as well as a sleeping bag and roll mat... the £ 10 cost will cover everything including ALL food. We'll be back by 6pm on Sunday. Should be a fun weekend!
Thursday 30 November - Pub crawl type social in the vicinity of The Triangle
Sue has arranged another evening of intoxicated pleasures, scheduled as follows:
- 8.00pm Phoenix Bar
- 8.30pm Lord Byron
- 9.00pm Berkeley
- 9.30pm Princes Bar
- 10.00pm The Ship
Come and join us - and you needn't throw yourself around in a sub-zero bunker* this time!

* Referring of course to ice skating, not Hiatt Baker hall.
Sunday 3 December - Ride clearance at Midger Wood, Glos.
Another chance to do some hacking and felling to open-up walkways. We'll leave the Union at 9.30am and UH at 9.45am... don't forget to sign up if you want to come.
Tuesday 12 December - Christmas dinner at Pizza on the Hill
Our final social of the year and your chance to sample turkey and cranberry sauce pizza (or other more usual toppings). The cost is £ 11.95 including starter, main course and of course a cracker. Contact Sue (se9925) asap if you want to go.

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