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Alfrick Weekend

11th-12th November 2006

We had a warm welcome from Trevor and Annette as usual, but with hardly any rain at Ravenshill Wood this year! Work included levelling the path next to the school room, scrub bashing alongside the main track, replacing way-markers, clearing around the pool, repairing the car park, carrying bricks, coppicing and more! Phew, hardly any time for eating you might think? Wrong. Annette once again fed the five thousand with a marvellous Moroccan lamb stew with roasted vegetables, followed by hot apple cake and gravy (toffee sauce). Tom refused to stop eating until there was not a cake crumb in sight.... luckily the one in the oven managed to escape!

We cooked pasta for ourselves in the village hall on Saturday and played those annoying 'guess the rule' games in the pub. No need to mention the slighty less than perfect tree-felling demo. Note for newbies: they always go wrong. No, really.

Tim's photos

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