Session 5

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Session 1 Introduction
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8

Session 5:  Bilingualism at Home

In this session, we will examine a personal story of a family and discuss some of the implications for families who choose to be bilingual with a Deaf child.  Most of this will be read out and then there will be a chance to discuss.  More on this topic will be presented on this link.

An account of a bilingual family

This will be followed by an exercise in planning a home programme of bilingual development for Deaf children. This can be compared to the Deaf children at Home project.

Deaf Children at Home - start here

Look at the presentation on acquisition as it is relevant here (click here)  and also the presentation on the family (click here)

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This page was last modified January 29, 2007