Session 3

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Session 1 Introduction
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8

Session 3: Language Growth and Decline

The first session ended in the area of the language garden.  It said it was valuable to have a rich mix of languages, just as we have a rich mix of plants in a garden.  This was not something which just happened on its own.  It had to have some planning and commitment.  This session takes this theme a little further and looks at the gloomier side of language - where it declines and dies.  There are many circumstances which we know will contribute to the development of a language and other conditions which will reduce it.  There are three tables in Baker - pages 60-62  These are quite important and worth studying.

More on this topic -click here

See also the slides for the  first presentation - here and second presentation here

and for the topic of oppression here

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This page was last modified January 29, 2007