Travel to Work Group report - Appendix M

How will reserved parking permits be allocated

Order of preference for determining who should receive a reserved parking permit

  1. Orange badge holders, both staff and students.
  2. University Users permit holder.
  3. Official car-sharers.
  4. 10% of the remaining permits will be allocated to the highest bidders (provides for members of staff who perceive that they have an overwhelming personal need to always travel to work by car).
  5. The remaining permits will then be chosen at random, by lottery until the reserved permit quota is full (any member of staff living within 2 miles of the University precinct, will not be able to apply for a reserved permit in either of the last two categories. For inclusion within the last category, a member of staff must have been working at the University for at least two years, and from 2000 onwards, if members of staff possess a randomly allocated reserved parking permit in one year, they cannot be in the first lottery allocation for the next year).