
Buddhist Chaplaincy for the Dying

For a number of years there has been a developing interest in Buddhist Chaplaincy. Practising Buddhists in the UK are developing their skills and giving their knowledge and time as volunteers to support to various institutions such as the NHS, Armed Forces and universities. This interview is with Buddhist Chaplain Keith Munnings who is a chaplain at the New Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham and also the chairman of the Buddhist Healthcare Chaplaincy Group and member of the Multifaith Group for Healthcare Chaplaincy.

Buddhist Chaplaincy for the Dying from Buddhist Death Project at UoB on Vimeo.

Interview with the Venerable Jin Ho

Venerable Jin Ho, a Buddhist nun from the Dharma Drum Mountain Monastery in Taiwan speaks about the processes that can be used to aid those who are dying and gives suggestions for chants and readings.

Interview with Venerable Jin Ho of Dharma Drum Mountain (Taiwan) from Buddhist Death Project at UoB on Vimeo.

Interview with the Venerable Phramaha Bhatsakorn Piyobhaso of Buddhavihara Temple Aston (Birmingham)

Interview with Venerable Phramaha Bhatsakorn Piyobhaso of Buddhavihara Temple Aston (Birmingham) from Buddhist Death Project at UoB on Vimeo.