Postgraduate Programmes

The School of Chemistry is an internationally recognised centre for teaching and research. The School has extensive collaborations with leading science-based industries and academic centres throughout the world. Our postgraduate degree programmes are at the cutting edge of research.


If you would like further advice about our PhD programmes, please contact the Postgraduate Administration. Email:

REF Rankings

Since May 2022 we have been ranked #1 in UK for Chemistry Research. We offer a world-class environment for your PhD or MSc research degree, with state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure as well as support and guidance from internationally leading Academic Supervisors.

An international student in the School of Chemistry sitting and smiling. International students

Language training, visa information and research & teaching partnerships

Our research

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Our Programmes

We offer opportunities in a wide range of research topics and themes, including:

  • synthesis (organic and inorganic)
  • computational and digital chemistry
  • catalysis
  • functional materials
  • atmospheric chemistry
  • theoretical chemistry
  • synthetic biology
  • spectroscopy
  • soft matter and colloids
  • supramolecular chemistry
  • materials for energy

We welcome applications and enquiries from candidates in the UK and Overseas for both the MSc by Research and PhD programmes which are available in these areas of the chemical sciences

We offer two types of PhD programme: firstly, Chemistry PhD by Research projects which are supervised directly by Academic Staff members; and secondly, PhDs managed by one of our Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT).  If you would like further advice about our PhD programmes, please contact the Postgraduate Administration. Email:

Chemistry PhD/MSc by Research

Our postgraduates make essential contributions to the School's research. In addition to conducting research and enhancing your chemistry expertise, a wide range of opportunities are also available to develop your transferable skills and employability.

Our research is organised under five themes covering a wide spectrum of chemical sciences.

Centres for Doctoral Training

The school hosts two flagship EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) and is involved in the NERC GW4+ Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP):

These centres bring together diverse areas of expertise to train the next generation of chemical scientists with the skills, knowledge and confidence to tackle today's issues and future challenges.

Postgraduate Taught Masters

MSc Scientific Computing with Data Science

The School of Chemistry now hosts this exciting new programme for recent graduates in a Physical or Life Science. Joining us for this 1-year taught postgraduate degree will allow you to develop your skills in coding, machine learning and high-performance computing and learn how to apply these to cutting-edge computational problems drawn from across the sciences. Through project work, industrial networking and visits, you will build contacts opening up additional job opportunities once qualified. 

For more information, please follow this link to our programme catalogue:

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