Rules and regulations for University accommodation

Policies and procedures that explain your responsibilities as a tenant and ours as a landlord.

Accommodation policies and procedures

Access to accommodation policy (PDF) Staff or contractors who need to enter your accommodation, for example to carry out maintenance work, must comply with this policy.
End of tenancy charges (PDF) Charges you may incur for damage, cleaning and rubbish disposal when you move out of your residence.
Local Stage Disciplinary Appeal Form (Office document, 58kB) Form for students who want to appeal a local stage disciplinary decision.
Postal policy for University-owned residences (PDF) How to access your mail and deliveries if you live in University-owned accommodation.
Residences car parking policy (PDF, 303kB) How to apply for a parking permit if you are living in University accommodation.
Student disciplinary regulations (PDF) This document explains the disciplinary action we will take if you or one of your guests break the terms of your tenancy obligations.
Tenancy agreement (PDF) Your obligations under your accommodation contract and information about ending your tenancy. Your own agreement can be found in your Accommodation Portal
Residential Facilities Management Postal Policy (Office document, 783kB) This document shows the policy regarding how post is managed in residential facilities.

Accommodation management

University of Bristol-owned residences are managed in compliance with the Universities UK Accommodation Code of Practice. Partnership residences are managed in compliance with the National Code for Assured Accommodation.‌

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