Introduction to Bristol Vision Institute
BVI Management team
Introducing Bristol Vision Institute
To kickstart this year's BVI Seminar Series, some members of BVI's management team will give an overview of research, past, present and future that is carried out by the Bristol Vision Institute community, spanning science, engineering, arts and medicine, as well as giving an overview of the events we run each year.
The session will provide an insight into the kinds of talks that are planned for this academic year, as well as telling you more about Professor Richard Gregory, the inspiration behind BVI, and the infamous Cafe Wall.
- Dave Bull, BVI Director and Professor of Signal Processing, will introduce the session, followed by insights from:
- Innes Cuthill, Professor of Behavioural Ecology, School of Biological Sciences
- Iain Gilchrist, Professor of Neuropsychology, School of Psychological Science
- Laszlo Talas, EPSRC Innovation Fellow, Bristol Veterinary School
Please do join us!
Contact information
This will take place via Zoom. Please join a few minutes before the session starts and mute your microphone and turn off your video.
Meeting ID: 954 1995 8397
There will be the chance to ask questions at the end of the seminar.