BVI Seminar Series

BVI Seminars are free hour-long talks focusing on a particular area of vision research usually with an interdisciplinary flavour. They are delivered by national and international speakers from across the world with a broad appeal across the field of vision.

Our seminars and panels run on Fridays from 16.00 GMT, term-time and are free to attend. Please keep checking this page, as our schedule is regularly being updated.

Upcoming Seminars

Spring 2025

Date and time Speaker Title Venue Zoom webinar link
Friday 14 February 4-5pm Dr Edwin Dalmaijer,  School of Psychological Science

Eye tracking without the eyes: reliability and validity of web-based measures of overt visual attention

Psychology Common Room, Social Sciences Complex, Priory Road Zoom webinar
Friday 17 January 4-5pm Dr Shawn Shen, School of Computer Science Contextual Intelligence with Wearable Cameras: Enhancing Human Understanding Psychology Common Room, Social Sciences Complex, Priory Road Zoom webinar

If you have any suggestions about speakers who you think might be suitable to give a BVI Seminar, please email with further details.

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Previous seminars

Details of our previous seminars and speakers.

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