MSc student published papers


Dimbleby J., Cristescu B., Bandyopadhyay K., Rooney N., Marker L. Rewilding landscapes with apex predators: Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) movements reveal the importance of environmental and individual contexts. Frontiers in Conservation Science, Volume 5. Published 8 May 2024.

Cobby T., Eisler M. Risk of rabies reintroduction into the European Union as a result of the Russo-Ukrainian war: A quantitative disease risk analysisZoonoses and Public Health [open access] Published 24 April 2024.

Parks C., Penny S., Mengamenya Goue A., Nyugha D., Tiwa, P., Vannier X., Johnson C.  Preliminary population estimate of Kordofan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis anitquorum) in two areas of the Benoué complex, CameroonAfrican Journal of Ecology Volume 62, Issue 1, January 2024.


Colston K., Johnson C., Nyugha D., Mengamenya Goué A., Penny S. Viability analysis of Kordofan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis antiquorum) in a protected area in Cameroon. African Journal of Ecology Published 3 August 2023.

Evans J., Carr A. Predicting the current and future distribution of pine woodland specialist plants in the Cairngorms National Park. British & Irish Botany Vol.5 No.2 180-195. Published 12 June 2023.

Gibbons E., Close P., Van Helden B., Rooney N. Water in the city: visitation of animal wildlife to garden water sources and urban lakes. Urban Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s11252-023-01391-3.  Published 19 June 2023.

Snell M., Baillie A., Berrow S., Deaville R., Penrose R., Perkins M., Williams R., Simmonds M P. An investigation into the effects of climate change on baleen whale distribution in the British IslesMarine Pollution Bulletin Volume 187, February 2023, 114565.

Rae F., Nicol C., Simmonds M. Expert assessment of the impact of ship-strikes on cetacean welfare using the Welfare Assessment Tool for Wild Cetaceans.  Animal Welfare 32 E18 doi:10.1017/awf.2023.7 

Dronfield A., Killick R., Warman S., Benato L, Rooney N. Comparing the efficacy of a new clinical skills model with a traditional method to teach tube feeding of an avian patient.  Journal of Veterinary Medical Eduation.  Posted online 17 Feb 2023.


Atkinson H., Cristescu B., Marker L., Rooney N. Bush Encroachment and Large Carnivore Predation Success in African Landscapes. Earth. 3, 3, p. 1010-1026 17. Sept 2022.

Atkinson H., Cristescu B., Marker L., Rooney, N. Habitat thresholds for successful predation under landscape change. Landscape Ecology. 37, 11, p. 2847-2860 14.  Sept 2022.

Aslam A., O'Flaherty C., Marker L., Rooney N. Factors affecting livestock guarding dogs' proximity to their herd and association with perceived effectiveness.  Journal of Veterinary Behaviour. March 2022

Canright A., Bescoby S., Dickson J,.    Evaluation of a 3D computer model of the equine paranasal sinuses as a tool for veterinary anatomy education.  Journal of Veterinary Medical Education.  Published online 24 March 2022. 

Chimes L., Beytell P., Muntifering J., Kötting B., Neville V.  Effects of dehorning on population productivity in four Namibia sub-populations of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis bicornis)European Journal of Wildlife Research (2022) 68 Article number 58

Desclos-Dukes, L., Butterworth,A., Cogan, T.    Using a non-invasive technique to identify suspected microplastics in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) living in the western North Sea.  BVA VetRecord 2022 e1484

Hodgson E., Rooney N., Hockenhull J.   Safaris: Initial insights into the welfare implications for horses and herbivorous plains game species.  Animals. Vol 12 Issue 4, February 2022

McConnell I, Marker L, Rooney N.   Preliminary investigation into personality and effectiveness of livestock guarding dogs in Namibia.  Journal of Veterinary Behaviour.  Volume 48,  Pages 11 - 19, February 2022

McIndoe, K., Saunders R., Blackwell, E., Rooney, N.  The effect of blindfolding and swaddling on the stress response to handling in domestic rabbits.  Animal Welfare. Vol 31 Issue 1 pp 27-36. February 2022

Stringfellow, H., Butterworth,A., Simmonds M P.     An analysis of the approaches taken around the world to whale euthanasia. UFAW Journal - Animal Welfare 2022, 31: 113-123

Urita, C., Kusuda, S., Rooney, N.    Physiological and behavioural assessments of stress levels in owls housed at owl cafes.  Animal Welfare 2022, Volume 31, pages 283-292 

Vermeylen V., Knowles T., Barron H.   The influence of Lake Okeechobee discharges on Karenia brevis blooms and the effects on wildlife along the central west coast of Florida.  Harmful Algae 115 (2022) 102337


Alexander E.,  Abrahams M., Clark F. 2021. Bottlenose Dolphins Produce Underwater Bubbles Linked to Cognitive Task Engagement but Not Success.  Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens. 2021 2(2) 287-299

Méndez Ruiz-Tagle, N., Nogueira-Filho, S., Knowles, T. Using predator feces as a repellent for free-ranging urban capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)acta ethologica 24, 205-216 28 July 2021

Nicholson-Jack A., Harris J., Ballard K., Turner K., Stevens G.   A hitchhiker guide to manta rays: Patterns of association between Mobula alfredi, M.birostris, their symbionts, and other fishes in the Maldives.  PLoS ONE 16 (7) e0253704, July 2021

Sitompul Y., Knowles T., Barrows M.  2021.  The biological variation, the Index of Individuality, and the Reference Change Value for Haematological and Blood Chemical Analytes in Ferrets (Mustela putorius furo).  Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine. December 2021


Alumna R.,  Manuel Cruz, J., Hernán Vargas, F., Tomás Ibarra, J.  Landscapes of coexistence: generating predictive risk models to mitigate human-raptor conflicts in forest socio-ecosystems. Biological Conservation.  2020 251 108795

Busschots M., Close P., Van Helden B., Speldewinde P.  2020.  Is the presence of a threatened arboreal mammal in residential areas related to remnant habits?  Austral Ecology. Volume 46, Issue 2, April 2021, pages 181-185.

Chandler C,  Van Helden B., Close P., Speldewinde P.  2D or not 2D? Three-dimensional home range analysis better representsspace use by an arboreal mammal.  Acta Oecologica Volume 105, May 2020, 103576

Guislain L., Knapp L., Lullfitz A., Speldewinde P.  Are Karda (Varanus rosenbergii) more abundant around traditional Noongar lizard traps?  Journal of the Royal Society of  Western Australia, 103: 43-47, 2020

Harrold D., Saunders R., Bailey J. Dietary putrescine supplementation reduces faecal abundance of Clostridium perfringens and markers of inflammation in captive azure-winged magpies.  Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research.  Vol. 8 No. 2 2020


Sosnowski, M., Knowles, T., Takahashi, T. & Rooney, N. 2019, Global ivory market prices since the 1989 CITES ban.  Biological Conservation. Volume 237, September 2019, Pages 392-399


Carrera-Játiva P., Morgan E., Barrows M., Wronski T.   Gastrointestinal parasites in captive and free-ranging birds and potential cross-contamination in a zoo environment.  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. Vol 49, Issue 1 2018, pages 116-128.

Katsis L., Cunneyworth P., Turner K., Presotto A.   Spatial Patterns of Primate Electrocutionsin Diani, Kenya. International Journal of Primatology Volume 39, pages 493–510 (2018)


Hampson, M., Schwitzer, C.  Effects of hand-rearing on reproductive success in captive large cats, Panthera tigris atlaica, Uncia uncia, Acinonyx jubatus and Neofelis nubulosa. PLoS ONE. 11(5): e0155992. May 2016

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