Pre-course health questionnaires

If you accept an offer for the following courses, you will need to complete a pre-course health questionnaire:

  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Veterinary Science (including Accelerated Graduate Entry)
  • Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour
  • Dental Hygiene & Therapy
  • Gateway to Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science

Your questionnaire should be completed in the cycle in which you apply, even if you have received a deferred offer. If you have a deferred offer and have any concerns about completing your questionnaire a year in advance, please contact Occupational Health.

You will not be able to register as a student until you have been cleared by Occupational Health. Please ensure that you upload your questionnaire before your deadline.

Immunisation record

Offer-holders for Medicine, Dentistry, Dental Hygiene & Therapy, Gateway to Medicine and Gateway to Dentistry must obtain a copy of your immunisation record(s) from your GP, or School immunisation record(s) or childhood records and attach the official immunisation history printout. If this is not completed and attached with the pre-course health questionnaire, you will be contacted to provide this information. Your health questionnaire will not be processed until this information has been received.

Pre-course health questionnaire

Pre-Course Health Questionnaire for Faculty of Health Sciences – 2024 (PDF, 308kB)


For any queries, please contact the Occupational Health Service by email: