Hager's story

Hager, a medical student with Treacher Collins Syndrome, shares how the support she receives for her disability allows her to thrive at university.

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A determination to study medicine

Before going to university, there were a few things I was worried about. As someone with many barriers to overcome, choosing medicine was ambitious and many people told me I could not do it. But because in my heart knew that was what I wanted to do, I was set on it no matter what.

I use hearing aids and was worried that as I had turned 18, I was not going to get any support as I transitioned to university, and that I would have to cope with the limitations of my disability alone. Also, as my Treacher Collins Syndrome affects my facial features, and that I had to live at home to get support from my family, I would receive a lot of stigma and find it difficult to socialise and meet new people.

All my needs are provided for

However, this was not true at all. From the very beginning the university’s disability services talked me through what barriers I might have studying medicine, and how they can support me to overcome it. Now they work with me to make sure all my needs are provided for.

I realised that at university, there are so many people from different walks of life that no one judges you for who you are. It doesn’t matter that I have a disability and live at home. Everyone has different lives and circumstances which makes them unique. That's why at university you can feel at home and be you.

Find out more about Disability Services