MSc Global Health Policy

  • MSc


The MSc in Global Health Policy will enable you to understand current and future global health policy challenges, to critically question the interplay between knowledge, evidence, policy-making and power, and to design sustainable and equitable policy solutions.

This interdisciplinary social sciences programme is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills you need for real-world global health influence. It combines theory and practical applications through a range of taught units and a policy evidence toolkit, and through independent work which may be either a dissertation or a work-based unit with a host organisation.

You will learn about some of our most pressing transnational health and care challenges, such as pandemic response and preparedness, the health impacts of climate change and poverty, ageing, mental illness, food security, migration and health, and global increases in long-term health conditions.

Research-rich units will encourage you to apply critical analyses of policymaking to global health case studies within and between Global North and Global South geographies.

Teaching is led by staff who specialise in social and public policy, sociology, global governance, social inequality and poverty, political economy, and epidemiology. You may also be taught by guest lecturers who influence and make global health policy, and will have opportunities to develop campaigns, interventions and research projects that directly address key priorities in the field.

You will gain insight into social science research design using qualitative/quantitative or mixed methods and learn how to evaluate data quality and relevance in different contexts. This learning is extended by your exposure to a toolkit of applied evidence approaches such as health impact assessments, realist evaluation and systems thinking – all of which are in increasing demand in the sector.

If you choose to apply for the Work-Based Applied Research Project unit, you may have the opportunity to further embed these skills by working on a co-produced research-based project with a host organisation.

The MSc Global Health Policy will also support you to develop communication, engagement, evidence interrogation, knowledge translation and co-production skills.

This programme will provide you with the opportunity to examine the power dynamics of a fluid global sector of critical importance and to become the change-makers of the future.

Learn more about our research with the World Health Organisation to tackle malnutrition and obesity in China.

Programme structure

The programme comprises six units plus a dissertation or work-based research project with a host organisation. Four of these units are core units and the other two units are chosen from a number of options.

For the dissertation, you will carry out an extended piece of research on an approved topic which is assessed in the style of a draft journal article (up to 10,000 words). Alternatively, you can apply to take the Work-Based Applied Research Project unit.

Visit our programme catalogue for full details of the structure and unit content of our MSc Global Health Policy.

Entry requirements

You will typically need an upper second-class honours degree or an international equivalent in a Social Science, Humanities, Clinical, Medical or Allied Health discipline. Other academic backgrounds may be considered on a case-by-case basis if you can demonstrate 18 months relevant experience as a policy maker, advocate, practitioner or researcher.

If you are currently completing a degree, we understand that your final grade may be higher than the interim grades or module/unit grades you have achieved during your studies to date.

We will consider your application if your interim grades are currently slightly lower than the programme's entry requirements and may make you an aspirational offer. This offer would be at the standard level, so you would need to achieve the standard entry requirements by the end of your degree.

We will also consider your application if your final overall achieved grade is slightly lower than the programme's entry requirement. If you have at least one of the following, please include your CV (curriculum vitae / résumé) when you apply, showing details of your relevant qualifications:

  • evidence of 18 months relevant work experience in the Health arena as a policy maker, advocate, practitioner or researcher.
  • a postgraduate qualification.

See international equivalent qualifications on the International Office website.

Read the programme admissions statement for important information on entry requirements, the application process and supporting documents required.

Go to admissions statement

If English is not your first language, you will need to reach the requirements outlined in our profile level C.

Further information about English language requirements and profile levels.

Fees and funding

Home: full-time
£18,700 per year
Home: part-time (two years)
£9,350 per year
Overseas: full-time
£31,800 per year

Fees are subject to an annual review. For programmes that last longer than one year, please budget for up to an 8% increase in fees each year.

More about tuition fees, living costs and financial support.

Alumni discount

University of Bristol students and graduates can benefit from a 25% reduction in tuition fees for postgraduate study. Check your eligibility for an alumni discount.

Funding and scholarships

International scholarships available

Think Big postgraduate scholarships 
Awards of £6,500, £13,000 and £26,000 for each year of study.

Think Big about Policy Studies scholarships
Awards of £13,000 for applicants to MSc Global Health Policy.

To make the application process easier, you only need to submit one scholarship application. With one application we consider you for all applicable Think Big scholarships, providing that you meet the necessary eligibility requirements.

Other funding options
Think Big is the University of Bristol’s flagship scholarship scheme. There are a range of other scholarships and bursaries available. Visit our Student Finances page to search for further information on funding for prospective UK and international postgraduate students.

Further information on funding for prospective UK and international postgraduate students.

Career prospects

Future employment opportunities may include: further academic research; policy roles in local and national governments and local and international NGOs working on global health issues; and policy development and leadership positions in global institutions such as the World Health Organisation, World Bank and United Nations.