Fitting in

It's common to worry about making friends and fitting in at university. Try these practical resources to help you feel you belong.

Am I good enough?

  • Self-Compassion
    Find out what self-compassion is, the three elements of self-compassion, guided meditations and exercises.
  • How to overcome imposter syndrome
    How you can combat feelings of self-doubt and feelings that you don't deserve your success.

Culture shock

If you have arrived in the UK from another country you may experience culture shock. You may notice differences between the way things are done and what you are used to at home. It is very common and there are things you can do to make it better.



Find out what workshops we offer to support you.


Our short guide will help you make a self-care plan to boost your resilience, improve self-awareness and help you deal with life's ups and downs. There is also an accessible version.

Being Well, Living Well toolkit

This toolkit has practical tips and tools to help you feel settled, support friends and get help if you need it.

Follow the self-enrol link to join. If you don’t see the self-enrol link, you’re already enrolled.

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