View or update your study support plan

A study support plan is a personalised summary of the reasonable adjustments we recommend for your teaching and assessment.

When you tell us about a disability, the information and supporting documents that you submit will be reviewed, and we will create a study support plan for you.

Your study support plan is a summary of the personalised recommendations we make for adjustments to be made to your teaching and assessment, that will ensure you are not disadvantaged academically because of a disability.

Your plan may include:

  • alternative exam arrangements, such as extra time or rest breaks
  • recommendations for building access, such as level or lift access to teaching
  • assistive technology that you have been granted, such as dictation software.

Your plan may also include details of your condition(s) and how they impact on your studies.

Once you have your plan, your School Disability Coordinator and Faculty, the Exams office, and the Library Support team will use it to implement the right support for you.

View your study support plan

You can view your plan and check what support we recommend at any time.

Check if your study support has been implemented

Your School Disability Coordinator will be able to confirm that your teaching and exam adjustments are in place.

Changing your study support plan

If you need to change your plan, you can submit an updated study support request. You can do this at any time.

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