Change your mindset
Mindset coaching programmes (like webinar and 1 to 1 sessions) will help you improve your study skills, self-confidence, and deal with negative emotions. We want to help you work smarter, not harder.
Being a student can be challenging. Sometimes, the overwhelming feelings can slow down your productivity and make you doubt yourself.
We want to help you overcome those feelings and refocus your mindset (how you view a situation) by:
- getting custom support (one-to-one sessions).
- becoming mentally stronger (live webinars)
- studying smarter (learning behaviour report)
Applications for getting custom support is currently open.
Get custom support: one-to-one sessions
It can be hard to reframe a negative mindset into a positive one so you can deal with the situation. Speaking to a coach may help.
You can get personalised guidance so you can achieve your personal targets over 6 weekly sessions.
How to apply
Places are limited. Applications are open until Monday 20 January at 11:59 pm (UK time).
Essential criteria
To apply for Mindset coaching, you must be a UK (home), fee-paying student. We cannot accept international students this time.
Read mindset programme reviews (Office document, 24kB) by other students.
Become mentally stronger: live webinars
The new year is the perfect time to reflect on your achievements and set goals for the future. In the 20-minute sessions, you will learn to:
- stay calm under stress
- build confidence to tackle problems even if it all goes wrong
- overcome distractions
- procrastinate less
You can attend as many of the webinars as you like and in any order.
Time: 5pm
Day: every Thursday starting from 9 January
Duration: 20 minutes
Past videos
Why is university so difficult? Managing negative thoughts (video)
Learn how to feel safe while taking risks and making mistakes.
Related hacks (opens in a new window): The self-confidence hack (PDF, 242kB).
How do I find my feet as a student? (video)
Get an overview of support services we have on offer, when to access them and how.
Related hacks (opens in a new window): Breathing hacks (document) and the "ABC hack" (document).
How do I become calm, alert, focused and ready? (video)
Explore how changing your study mindset can help you work better.
Related hacks (opens in a new window): The ideal study mindset hack (document).
How do I organise myself and my life? (video)
Decide what to do and when to do it.
Related hacks (opens in a new window): The prioritisation hack (Office document, 30kB) and the study timetable hack (Office document, 31kB)
Procrastination, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm
Practical strategies for coping with anxiety, homesickness, stress, worry, overwhelm, perfectionism, apathy, and procrastination.
Related hacks (opens in a new window): The Mindfulness Meditation hack (document).
7 November: How do I enjoy university life and stay healthy?
Develop habits for sleep, diet, exercise, study and rest.
14 November: Motivation and being consistent
Discover how to motivate yourself and stay focused.
21 November: How should I study and revise?
Strategies to help you study better and doing your best in assessments and exams.
Study smarter: learning behaviour report
Our learning behaviour report will help you:
- be aware of your current study habits
- suggest achievable steps to help you be more productive.
To get a behaviour report, you must:
- do our online quiz: it will ask 30 multiple-choice questions about you.
- wait 5 working days to get a personalised report.