Ahmad Tea Scholarship - Terms and conditions

This scholarship is not currently accepting applications.

Go to an overview of the Ahmad Tea Scholarship.


 To be eligible for the Ahmad Tea Scholarship, you must:

  • have one of the following categories of ethnicity:
    • Black African
    • Black Caribbean
    • Black Other
    • Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
    • Mixed – White and Black African
    • Other mixed background (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other)
  • Hold an offer to study on the MB ChB Medicine (A100) course in 2021/22 having been awarded a place following a successful interview or are currently on year zero of the MB ChB Gateway to Medicine (A108) course.
  • Be a Home/UK student.
  • Be resident in the United Kingdom.
  • Be eligible for the financial support available from the UK Government, in the form of the tuition fee and living costs loans from the Student Loans Company.
  • Have applied for or intend to apply for means tested support from your regional funding provider (e.g. Student Finance England) and have consented to share your household income details with the University. 

Applicants must apply for means tested support to enable the University to get confirmation of your household income from the Student Loans Company. However, you will not be required to take out any loans you are eligible to receive if you do not wish to take them.


Tuition fee support

The Ahmad Tea Scholarship will provide full tuition fee support in any non-NHS funded years. In any NHS funded years, it is expected that the recipient will apply to have their tuition fees met by the NHS.

Living cost support

The Ahmad Tea Scholarship will also provide a living cost stipend of £15,000 per annum for any year of study not funded by the NHS. A reduced living cost award will be payable for any years of study where the student is eligible to receive a non-repayable NHS bursary.

The recipient is expected to apply for the maximum amount of non-repayable NHS funding for which they are eligible in any given year. The amount of NHS bursary will be considered when calculating the Ahmad Tea Scholarship living cost award to ensure that the total value of the NHS bursary and Ahmad Tea Scholarship equal £15,000.

Living cost support for Gateway to Medicine students

Any current Gateway to Medicine student who is awarded the Ahmad Tea Scholarship will no longer be eligible for any continued bursary support for living costs from any of the following awards which they may have been awarded in their year zero:

  • Access to Bristol
  • Bristol Scholars Bursary
  • Futures Scholarship*
  • Futures Plus Scholarship*
  • University of Bristol Bursary
  • Bristol Standalone Bursary

*Futures Scholarship and Futures Plus Scholarship recipients will still retain their funding support for employability opportunities, such as internships, placements or summer research programmes.

How to apply

The Ahmad Tea Scholarship is no longer accepting new applications.

Assessment process

Applications will be accepted from students who meet the eligibility criteria and have been given an offer to study the MB ChB Medicine (A100) course following a successful interview.

Information provided in the application will be used to determine which applicants display the most demonstrable need.  

Priority will be given to applicants who:

  • Are from a low income household 
  • Are from areas of low participation in higher education
  • Are mature (over 21)
  • Have attended an aspiring state school
  • Are care leavers
  • Have a disability
  • Are local to the University of Bristol (resident in BS or BA postcodes) 

Consideration will also be given to the information provided in your supporting statement.

Successful applicants

The University will make offers of a Scholarship to successful candidates. Full details of the scheme being offered, including these terms and conditions, will be made available in the award notification.

Awardees will be expected to reply to the Scholarship offer notification and confirm their acceptance of the award, and the relevant terms and conditions, via email.

The successful applicant will be required to provide regular updates on their academic progress (usually once a term) to Ahmad Tea. These will be requested by the Development and Alumni Relations Office. 

Reserve applicants

To ensure that all available funding is distributed, the University will select a number of students to be on a reserve list. Such applicants will be notified accordingly.

Students on the reserve list may be contacted at a later date to be informed that they have been offered an award should funding become available. 

Being placed on the reserve list is not a guarantee of an award.

Other criteria

To receive a payment, you should:

  • Be registered at the University and engaged with your studies, and have a good attendance record.
  • Be eligible for, have applied for means-tested financial support available from the UK government (in the form of the tuition fee and living costs loans from the Student Loans Company).
  • Have provided your (and, as appropriate, your partner/parents’/guardians’) consent to the Student Loans Company, via their regional funding provider, to share your household income data with the University. 


After the application closing date, you will be told whether your scholarship application was successful on the following date:

Get in touch

For questions about eligibility criteria for the bursary, contact scholarships-bursaries@bristol.ac.uk.

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