Gold Open Access

What is Gold Open Access?

Gold Open Access is also known as Paid Open Access. In Gold Open Access the publisher makes the research output freely available to everyone via their website, in exchange for a fee known as an Article Processing Charge (APC).

How does it work?

Gold Only Journals

Some journals, such as PLOS One and Biomed Central, are entirely Gold Open Access. By submitting to these journals you are often committing to paying an APC if your work is accepted.

Funding is available from the library to pay for Gold Open Access for UKRI or Wellcome Trust funded research.

Hybrid Journals

Many journals offer the choice between Gold Open Access and Green Open Access. You will have to choose once your article has been accepted.

Funding for Hybrid journals is only available for Wellcome Trust funded research. We cannot pay for Gold Open Access in Hybrid Journals for UKRI funded authors, unless exceptional circumstances apply.

Diamond Journals

Some journals will make your work available on their webpages, without charge. These journals are usually funded through other means. No Article Processing Charge needs to be arranged for these journals.

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