Your thesis and Creative Commons
The University requires that a CC BY-NC-ND licence be applied when you deposit your thesis in Pure. This will happen automatically.
What are Creative Commons licences?
Creative Commons licences are a series of easy-to-use copyright licences designed to encourage the creation of content that can be copied, distributed, and re-used, without infringing the creator’s copyright. Each licence has three parts: legal code defining the licence terms, a translation of the legal code into easy-to-understand layman’s terms, and a machine-readable version which search engines and other software systems can understand.
Types of Creative Commons licence
There are six different Creative Commons licences, permitting different types of reuse.
The basic Creative Commons licence is the Creative Commons Attribution licence, or CC-BY licence. Under a CC-BY licence, users are free to copy, redistribute, and reuse the work for any purpose, including commercial purposes, but must attribute the creator of the work. The remaining licences are made up of the basic Creative Commons Attribution licence, and one or more of the following elements:
Users can only use the work for non-commercial purposes.
Users cannot share adaptations or derivatives of the work.
Users can share adaptations of the work but must use the same licence terms.
These elements can be combined; for example, the most restrictive Creative Commons licence is CC BY-NC-ND under which users can copy and redistribute the work but cannot alter it in any way, or use it commercially.
What if I want to apply a different Creative Commons licence to my work?
The University requires that a CC BY-NC-ND licence be applied when you deposit your thesis in Pure. This will happen automatically. If you wish to make your thesis availble elsewhere under a different licence you are free to do so. You could use the Creative Commons licence chooser to help you pick an appropriate licence. It will also generate the relevant licence icons and descriptive text for you.
What do I do if my work has third-party content?
You must have permission to reuse the third-party content. This permission might be granted by a licence on the third-party content: for example, if the third-party work itself uses a CC BY licence you can reproduce it in your own work as long as you attribute it properly. See our guide for information on other ways to obtain permission to use third-party content.
If you have permission to reuse the third-party content, you can apply a Creative Commons licence to your work but you must clearly mark the third party content within your work and indicate the terms of use for these elements.
- For the overall work: “Except otherwise noted, this blog is © 2009 Greg Grossmeier, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license:”
- For the third-party content: “The photo X is © 2009 Jane Park, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license:”
If the content you wish to use is not covered by a Creative Commons license see our guide to copyright.