
Due to my Childhood Studies degree I have been well equipped to draw on my knowledge of child protection, interagency working and how to effectively support children with histories of trauma and/or have ‘Looked after status’ including adopted or permanently placed children.

In addition, I regularly liaise with the school educational psychologist and SENCO, and was able to contribute to writing a CAF form, again utilising the very valuable skills I learned during my Childhood Studies degree.

Where are they now?

Since September I have been working as a teaching assistant with a child in Year Three with ADHD and emotional behavioural difficulties in an inner London primary school. I have received training from an outreach worker from the Pupil Referral Unit which has taught me invaluable behaviour management techniques; for example how to consistently establish and maintain positive but tight boundaries with children.

My up-to-date and balanced insight into children and families has benefited me hugely this year as I have been able to take an open but sensitive perspective when dealing with complicated cases. I am using this experience to further my professional development from September when I begin a PGCE in Primary Education at the University of Roehampton and hope to continue to broaden my knowledge in this area when I venture into my teaching career

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